How to Be Better at Push Ups – Introduction
How to get better at push ups so you can increase your mental and physical strength.
This is just a post to motivate you to start doing push ups, gradually.
Because push ups are a full-body exercise that you can do anywhere and they will start to change your physique, little by little until you cannot even recognize the body that you started with.
It will be gone.
The jello will have turned into actual muscle.
Just be patient and do not try to do too much at one time.
If you are obese, of course, you have to start to slim down.
You know the best way to do that is not necessarily with exercise, but rather by starting to be aware of what you are eating.
Here is the secret: EAT REAL FOOD.
That is it.
Once you get down to a comfortable weight, you can begin to do push ups and add that to your regular walking.
I have been taking it slow myself, starting with one push up max and now up to 40, it has taken a while but the journey has been worth it and that is why I am sharing it with you today.
Try out this model of doing push ups for yourself.
Three times a week, do your maximum number of push ups in one shot.
The best form that you can do.
Go for quality push ups over quantity.
If one is your max, great, you still rock!
Every other day, for example on Monday, Wed and Fridays, do your maximum number of push ups first thing in the morning, before or after your walk and preferably before eating.
If you feel strong enough, add one push up to your previous day max.
So, for example, on Monday, you did one push up, if you feel strong enough on Wednesday, do two push ups.
Doesn’t sound like a lot?
Well, just keep doing that for six months and no one will be laughing at you anymore, they will be wondering how you got into such great shape.
Just from push ups?
You bet.
How do you think Herschel Walker built his body?
- Pushups,
- Situps,
- Running,
- Pushups,
- Situps,
- Running,
pretty basic.
I am not suggesting you can duplicate his daily workout of 3500 situps and 1500 pushups, but why not start with at least one?
Gradually you will be adding on to your push-ups, from one, you will get to ten, then twenty, then thirty, and who knows, maybe even up to 50 or the magic 100.
Even Herschel does not do sets of 100, according to the last interview I saw with him, he does sets of 50 to 75 push-ups.
Oh, and I forgot to mention that Herschel over there in the picture is only 53 years old.
Yeah, that’s right, you have no excuse!
Neither do I!
Do your maximum push-ups three days a week and on your push-up days, see how many additional pushups you can do in comfortable sets, so if for example, your max number of push-ups is now 40 and a more comfortable set number is 20, then crank out another five sets of 20, if not more.
Just pushups can build your body in a very natural strong way because you are really lifting weights, your own body weight!
You do not have to go to a gym to lift weights, you can do that for free using your own body and your own floor.
In between your pushup days, take a rest, so Tuesday, Thursday, and weekends, take a long walk, go out and keep moving, but limit the strength training to a few days a week, that is enough.
The real secret to looking ripped, losing fat, and building muscle is going to be in your fridge.
If you are sloshing down beer and chips every day, forget it, you will never get there if you are over 30.
Sure, when you were a teen, you could eat anything, everybody knows that, just like the Geico commercial, but once your amazing metabolism during your growth phase slows down, you better be aware of the fuel that you are consuming.
Make it count.
Eat real food, vegetables, fruit, seeds, nuts, and protein.
The less processed, the better.
Can you imagine yourself starting a push-up program?
Are you doing one right now?
What is your max?
Please share your push-up story on how you transformed your body from Jello to Hello with Push-ups and Real Food Clean Eating!
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