Benefits of Static Holds – Introduction
I know you are used to seeing me write about my experience with the benefits of deadlifting, the benefits of pushups, and the benefits of all types of core total body compound exercises.
Static Holds?
What is that?
It is not as bizarre as it sounds.
For example, you might be familiar with a static hold that is called the Plank.
The Plank is simply the starting position for a pushup.
Have you ever gotten into the starting position for a pushup and just held that position without doing any pushups?
Try it out now.
Go ahead, try that out right now.
Pretend that you are going to do pushups, get in the starting top position and hold it.
See how long you can hold that position.
If you can hold it for 30 seconds, not too bad; for 60 seconds, you are doing good, and if you can hold it for up to 90 seconds, great, you have some great core body strength.
The benefit of a static hold like the plank exercise is that it activates and builds all of the muscles that are engaged in the hold.
With the plank, you will feel for yourself how much of your body is engaged in the hold.
From your neck down to your toes, everything will start to shake, twitch, and move.
I can attest to the benefits of static holds because I have been trying them out based on information that I have been reading from one of New York City’s most respected health and fitness Authors, speakers, and Trainers, Pete Cerqua.
I know that I have gotten stronger in only two weeks.
Because two weeks ago, the number of pushups that I could do without breaking much of a sweat was fifteen, and this morning, I just did a set, and up to 35 felt pretty good, and it took a little more out of me to get up to 40.
I am sure that my improvement over the last two weeks has been because of doing the plank for 90-seconds just about every day.
Check it out for yourself.
Just do the plank starting today for up to 90 seconds.
If you can already do 90 seconds, excellent and you are ready for more advanced workouts; if not, work up to 90 seconds for a start.
I highly recommend purchasing any or all of Pete Cerqua’s books for more detailed guidance on high-intensity fitness training for men, and women and the great benefits of 90-second fitness.
Let me know how you like it!