Moxy Socks Review
Moxy socks are among the best deadlift socks and shin guards available today.
They have been my trusted friend on my deadlift, weight loss, and fitness journey.
If you are a regular reader, you know that the ‘simple’ deadlift saved my life from obesity and depression.
The least I can do is give you one simple product tip I wish I knew about that is essential for deadlifting.
You might not need to lose weight or fight depression, but you need shin protection if you deadlift, especially when you are a beginner.
When I first started to deadlift, I was killing my shins, which is one painful injury!
Scraping your shins up every time you deadlift makes progress difficult, if not impossible.
And it sucks all the joy out of your deadlift workout.
How I Found the Deadlift
When I first walked into the YMCA’s free weight area on 48th street and 3rd avenue in New York City, I was completely intimidated.
I never dreamed of deadlifting.
That idea was impossible for many reasons:
- To start – what is a deadlift? – I had no clue!
- The idea of lifting any amount of weight on a barbell at the age of 55 seemed insanely dangerous.
- Particularly because I had pulled out my back, closing the door of my apartment just a few years before that.
- Yes, I closed the door and immediately almost collapsed from back pain.
- I never had back pain in the past, but after the age of 50, things changed.
- I was also anxious about doing anything where I had to bend my knees because I have a tear of my left meniscus.
- That tear made it difficult for me to walk for a long period until I finally got a cortisone shot.
- Last but not least, I was too obese to bend down anyway.
So, I Just Looked Around the Free Weight Area and Left!
In those days, I mainly went to the YMCA to swim.
Don’t get me wrong, I love swimming, and it can also help with weight loss and boost your mood.
But nothing changed me so dramatically until I changed my food quality and started to deadlift after losing some weight.
After I lost an initial 20 or 30 pounds, I started to deadlift.
I was terrified of hurting my back and knees.
But, I had no idea how painful hurting my shins would be.
It did not take long for a deadlift beginner to find out.
My shins were soon killing me, and suddenly I was not only worried about my back and knees.
Moxy Socks to the Rescue
I started to search online for ideas on how to protect my shins while deadlifting.
I quickly learned that shin scraping is a prevalent side effect of doing deadlifts.
Of course, an advanced lifter might not have to wear any shin protection if they have perfect deadlift form.
But a fit apprentice like myself was learning.
And I was grateful every day I deadlifted and did not break something.
Friends and neighbors thought this is just crazy; how can you lift a barbell with weight.
“Aren’t you concerned you will hurt yourself?” they scolded me.
I could not explain the amazing benefits of deadlifts that I experienced myself.
They did not want to hear it.
Deadlifts were completely off their radar.
But the deadlift helped me:
- lose 75 pounds in 6 months
- take 18 inches off of my waist
- transform from a dad grandpa bod fat to a lot fitter
- at the unlikely age of 56
- boost my mood better than antidepressants
- increase my self-confidence and self-reliance
- work on myself
But my shins were killing me!
I searched online for deadlift socks and found the Moxy Socks website.
Moxy Socks Description
The description of their deadlift socks said:
“Moxy Socks makes socks for the serious performance fitness community.
The difference in our socks lies in quality – every person we know loves them.
Our knee-highs wrap around the calves provide compression, and we typically use ventilated mesh around the foot, which refreshingly allows your foot to breathe.
Additional padding on the shins is a welcome feature for deadlifting, powerlifters, and soccer.
Exclusively made in a small factory in Southern California, USA, we develop the most durable, stylish, fun, and creative socks on the planet.”
These were not just some plain jane socks.
There were Moxy bird leg socks and other cool deadlift socks, which can probably be worn best by someone who lifts heavy (unlike me).
And many other colorful and striking socks, wild designs that raise a few eyebrows!
They even have Moxy socks, which have the American flag, Maple leaf of Canada, and many other logos.
Who would have known?
I knew I needed knee-high socks for three reasons:
- keep my knees warm because of a torn medial meniscus in my left knee
- protect my shins from getting banged up during the deadlift
- help me focus on proper deadlift form and not protecting my shins
APex Signature Moxy Deadlift Socks
- Achilles Tendon Performance
- Side Ventilation marked by Lime Green Line
- Deadlift Cushion Padding
- MOXY Compression
- MOXY Performance Foot
So, I started with a pair of The APeX signature Moxy socks to protect my shins, which definitely helped – a lot.
I also like The Vektr, which was specifically designed for deadlift protection and CrossFit.
Over five years later, I can count myself among “every person we know loves them.”
I use Moxy socks every time I do squats or deadlifts.
Finally, I found a way to help shield my shins from barbell scraping and banging.
Because of Moxy Socks, deadlifting is much more comfortable for me.
I am not training to compete, but only strength training to improve my general health and fitness.
An excellent pair of deadlift socks or deadlift shin guards are essential for any deadlift beginner in my book.
What I Like About Moxy Socks
I advocate powerlifting for fitness, not necessarily to become a powerlifter, powerbuilder, bodybuilder, or Olympic weightlifter.
Of course, if that is your ultimate goal, awesome.
But the deadlift, one of the 3 lifts in the sport of powerlifting, is a remarkable tool for physical and mental development, no matter your age.
So here is what I like most about Moxy socks:
- They protect your shins while deadlifting.
- Moxy Socks are comfortable.
- They go over the knee, which keeps your knees warmed up for both squats and deadlifts.
- They last a long time.
- And look great.
- I have been asked multiple times where to get these socks.
Try them out yourself; I am confident you will like them as well.
You will enhance your style, training, and comfort no matter what your sport.
I believe I got my first pair of Moxy socks in 2012 or 2013.
And I have been a fan ever since.
They feel great and do what I expected, plus some more.
For example, the Moxy socks also work well for me for squats.
The reason is that they give me a little more support, and as mentioned before, they keep my knees warm and help me warm up faster.
Moxy socks also have good longevity.
I am still using socks that I first purchased over five years ago.
Like any good product that you love and takes a beating, they need to be replaced.
And replace I did with a 3 sock package of Moxy Premium deadlift socks today.
- Ventilator Mesh Top
- Reciprocated Heel and Toe
- MOXY Performance Foot
- Premium Deadlift Protection with extra padding
- 3 Great Styles in one Package
I thought you might want to see what they look like when you first get a pair.
Moxy socks packaging
Your Moxy socks arrive in a silver foil package that looks like this:
Pull apart the package at the top, and inside, you will find three pairs of high-performance deadlift socks.
Each pair of Moxy premium deadlift socks is wrapped in an easy to open clear packaging like this:
IPF approved deadlift socks
Powerlifting competitions require that you wear long socks for deadlifts that cover your shins.
The reason for this requirement to wear powerlifting deadlift socks is to prevent you from cutting your shins on the barbell’s knurling when performing a deadlift.
The knurling is sharp, and without shin protection, there is a possibility that you could bloody your shins, which will be pretty gross in the middle of a competition.
IPF approved deadlift socks brands include:
- Moxy deadlift socks
- SBD deadlift socks
- Titan, and
- Nike deadlift socks
More Moxy deadlift socks benefits
- affordable
- shin protection padding
- comfortable
- durable
- ventilation allows your feet to breathe
- one size fits all
- act as compression socks to enhance circulation and recovery
- cheaper than orthopedic socks, and look a lot better
- wear them under your pants during the winter instead of long johns
Moxy Socks – Final Thoughts
If you deadlift, whether for fitness, bodybuilding or powerlifting, Moxy socks are an excellent investment to protect your shins. For sure, they are a must when you are learning how to deadlift.
Deadlifting is not only fun but an important exercise, especially as you get older. You need to keep your bones and body as strong as possible.
So, don’t think cause you are over 50, you should not deadlift.
See how Shirley Webb, the powerlifting grandma, improved her mobility after age 75 because of the deadlift!
Of course, deadlifts are not the only exercise in the world. But it is hard to find another compound weightlifting exercise that:
- only requires a small area for training,
- works most of the muscles of your body
- has amazing benefits, and
- can dramatically change your body.
However, Moxy socks are not only for deadlifting.
You can use them anywhere you need shin guards, for example:
- CrossFit
- soccer
- rope climbing
- box jumps
- motocross
The deadlift saved my life in more ways than one. This is why I highly recommend deadlifting to improve your mental and physical fitness, no matter what your age.
What’s Next
First, you need to learn How to Deadlift for Beginners – A Step by Step Guide. Plus:
- a great deadlift workout routine, and a
- 12-week deadlift program, and
- shin protection, plus
- last but not least, the Best Deadlift Equipment: Home Gym Guide So You Can Start Lifting Today!
Note – if you need to lose weight before starting a deadlift program, check out my free guide on How to Lose 20 Pounds in 3 Months Using 5 Simple Steps.