CrossFit Partner WODs – Introduction
What’s so good about CrossFit partner workouts?
Most CrossFitters are used to working through a challenging workout on their own.
Sure, it’s common for those around you while you’re working, but grinding through the workout of the day (WOD) is up to you.
There is one exception to that…the partner WOD.
Crossfitters love a good partner WOD.
The moment the coach alerts the class that it’s a partner WOD, you will see everyone looking around for their workout partner.
So let’s dig into what makes partner WODs so much fun.
What is a CrossFit Partner WOD?
The most basic definition of a partner WOD is you and a friend working together to complete a workout.
The type of partner WOD dictates the rules around who is working when, but it allows you to share the load.
A great feature of a partner CrossFit workout is there is a good amount of give and take between you and your partner.
If you are weak in a specific movement, your partner can take the lead, and you can take over where you are strong.
Strategy comes into play during many partner WODs.
Different Types of Partner CrossFit WODs
There are different types of partner CrossFit WODs.
The type indicates who is supposed to work and when.
They may seem confusing at first, but after you do a few of them, they begin to make sense.
You Go, I Go (YGIG)
This is one of the more popular partner WOD options.
This type of partner workout allows one person to rest while the other is working.
It also may seem like it’s the easiest, but don’t be fooled.
In most of these types of WODs, the volume of work you do is doubled or tripled.
On paper, it may seem easy because there is a rest, but don’t go into this type of workout thinking that.
You will quickly find out you were wrong.
There are two strategies you can use for this type of partner WOD.
First, you can determine a pace that you can both manage and maintain throughout the entire WOD.
You can encourage each other throughout the entire workout.
The other, more grueling, option is to challenge your partner.
In this scenario, you sprint through your reps as fast as possible to limit your partner’s rest.
Keep in mind they are going to do the same thing to you.
You may complete this workout faster than anyone else or find yourself laid out on the mats.
Either way, you and your partner can have a great time.
A partner chipper workout is similar to a non-partner chipper WOD, except you have a friend to help you.
With a chipper, there is usually a high rep scheme, and it goes down with each movement.
Your job is to chip away at the reps over a longer timeframe, usually 20 minutes.
For example, you may see a WOD that has 100 wall balls, 80 burpees, 60 push-ups, etc.
With this rep scheme, each partner can do as many of the reps as they want.
This is a great way to let each partner do the movements where they are stronger.
For example, if your partner is great at burpees, they may do 40, and you do 20.
Synchronized Partner WODs
This type of partner workout is a great way to create synergy and teamwork.
You and your partner complete each rep of each movement together at the same time.
These WODs feature movements that require endurance and coordination.
If you don’t complete the movement together, then you fail the rep.
These types of synchro workout WODs are typically found in a partner competition.
AMRAP Partner CrossFit WODs
This partner WOD has a fun twist. One partner is completing an AMRAP WOD while the other partner is doing some type of cardio movement.
This may include biking, running, or some other goal.
When the cardio goal is complete, then the partners switch.
Alternating EMOM
In this scenario, each partner is doing one movement every minute on the minute (EMOM).
Each person is doing a different movement, but they are doing them at the same time.
After a certain number of minutes, the partners switch movements.
Benefits of Partner CrossFit WODs
If you still aren’t convinced that partner CrossFit WODs are the best way to do a workout, check out these additional benefits:
Partner WODs change things up during a workout, and this is an ideal approach for an exercise platform known to be constantly varied.
It also gives you a chance to meet someone new.
If you are new to a CrossFit gym aka as a box or someone new has joined your box, this is a great way to meet someone.
Furthermore, you can do it during the safety of a WOD.
There’s no better way to make new friends than to push through a workout together.
When you have a partner, you have someone to laugh and joke with while you are pushing yourself through a workout.
It allows you to not take things so seriously.
You have a built-in cheering section with a partner WOD.
They can motivate you and give you a little extra nudge right when you need it.
Believe it or not, it’s easier to keep going when someone is next to you.
For those that thrive on competition, this is a great way to have someone push you to be a little faster or get in one more rep.
So now is the perfect time to try one of these best partner WODs.
7 Best Partner CrossFit WODs
#1. Partner DT
DT is loved by hardcore CrossFit lifters.
It combines three of the core CrossFit lifts into one workout.
To do it properly, you must cycle the barbell.
You want to be strategic when you do these reps, so you don’t do extra and unnecessary reps.
How to do it:
- 10 Rounds for Time
- 12 Deadlifts
- 9 Hang Power Cleans
- 6 Push Jerks
One partner works at a time to complete one full round of DT.
The other partner gets to rest and cheer on the other.
You both end up doing 5 total rounds.
If you can’t do this entire WOD unbroken, then break up the reps in a way that makes sense.
Consider doing 11 deadlifts, put the bar down for a moment, pick it up, and do your last deadlift directly into a hang power clean.
If you have to put the bar down, do it after 8 hang cleans.
When you pick up the bar, do your last clean and go into your push jerks.
#2. Bodyweight To Go
This partner workout does not require any weights.
All you need is your partner and a place to run.
There is no special equipment needed.
How to do it:
- First, you both run 1000 meters.
- Then you do
- 10 push-ups
- 10 sit-ups
- 10 air squats aka bodyweight squats
You increase the number by 10 (10, 20, 30, 40) each round until you reach 40 reps of each movement.
Finally, you finish the workout with another joint 1000-meter run.
Also, this WOD is for time, so you want to complete it as quickly as you can.
#3. The 50s
These movements must be done in order, which means you must complete 50 burpees together before moving on to the squats.
Only one partner works at a time.
One partner rests while one works.
You can alternate how you do the movements any way you want.
How to do it:
This partner WOD starts with a 1000-meter row buy-in.
This means both partners must complete a 1000-meter row before starting the workout.
Then, the WOD is:
- 50 burpees
- 50 squats
- 50 hollow rocks
- 50 push-ups
#4. The Chipper
This partner CrossFit WOD is for time.
With this WOD, you and your partner can work at the same time.
How to do it:
This WOD is:
30 pull ups
50 wall balls
50 sit ups
100 kettlebell swings
These different movements can be broken up any way you and your partner want.
While this partner WOD allows you both to work at the same time, there’s a catch.
You must stop every two minutes and do 10 burpees!
#5. AMBAP (As Many Burpees As Possible)
This is a simple but cardio-challenging workout.
You and your partner have 5 minutes to do as many burpees as possible.
You two cannot work at the same time.
One of you must rest while the other one is working.
You can break up the burpees any way you want.
#6. Angie Meets Annie
This is a tough one.
You will need strategy and mental toughness to get through this partner WOD.
You can break up the number of reps any way you want with your partner.
However, you both must do the double-under rope jumps.
You cannot share those.
How to do it:
This team WOD is:
- 50 double unders (each)
- 200 pull-ups
- 40 double unders (each)
- 200 push-ups
- 30 double unders (each)
- 200 sit-ups
- 20 double unders (each)
- 200 squats
- 10 double unders (each)
#7. Everyone Loves Thrusters
Thrusters are the movement that almost everyone loves to hate.
This partner WOD is for time but with a 20-minute cap.
To add extra spice to this WOD, the thrusters must be synchronized.
You can break up the row any way you want.
How to do it:
The WOD is:
- 500-meter row
- 28 thrusters
- 400-meter row
- 21 thrusters
- 300-meter row
- 15 thrusters
- 200-meter row
- 9 thrusters
- 100-meter row
- 2 thrusters
Partner CrossFit WODs – Closing Thoughts
CrossFit partner workouts can be a great way to mix up your regular routine, challenge yourself, and improve your fitness levels.
Not only do team workouts add an extra layer of accountability, but they also make the workout more fun and engaging.
Working out with a friend or family member can help you stay focused and motivated, as well as spend quality time together.
If you’re looking for something new in your box, at home, or in the gym, find a partner and try out a CrossFit Partner Workout.
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