Are You Wondering How to Increase Your Squat?
How long do you think it would take to increase your squat 70 pounds?
If you would have asked me how to increase your squat 70 pounds a month ago, I would have thought that would take at least 3 to 4 months, maybe 6 months.
Don’t you love being wrong when you are pleasantly surprised?
I was shocked that in only 35 days I was able to increase my squat 70 pounds.
Now I can share with you exactly how to increase your squat 70 pounds in only 35 days without ever having to take steroids.
How to Increase Your Squat to help fight Depression and Obesity
I will show you how to increase your squat 70 pounds in only 35 days and without steroids.
Even if you are over 55 and a beginner weight lifter, you can learn how to increase your squat starting today!
Where did I come up with the number 35 days to increase your squat by 70 pounds?
On November 13th, 35 days ago, I began to do squats again.
Prior to November 13th, the last time that I had done squats was back in August with 105 pounds.
I stopped doing squats and before I knew it, my strength decreased and my fat increased.
The Exact Plan for How to Increase Your Squat 70 Pounds in 35 Days Without Steroids:
- Commit to doing squats three times a week.
- A monday, wednesday and friday schedule gives you time to rest between squat days and have the weekend off.
- Find a gym or set up an area to squat in your basement or garage. Invest in a squat rack for safety.
- Start with the 45 pound olympic bar.
- If that is too heavy, start doing squats with no weights.
- Use dumbbells to increase your squat 5 or 10 pounds every other day until you feel strong enough to use the olympic bar which is 45 pounds.
- Start every session with the olympic bar only to warm up.
- Practice the best form possible. An excellent article that teaches excellent form for the squat can be found here.
- Once you feel comfortable doing 5 repetitions of proper form squats, wait 3 to 5 minutes and do another set of five repetitions. When you can do 5 sets of 5 repetitions, increase your squat by five pounds.
- Use two 2.5 pound plates, also known as fractional plates, on each side of your olympic bar to increase the weight by 5 pounds.
- Always secure the plates on the bar using collars.
- This routine of doing 5 sets of 5 repetitions of squats will take you at most 30 to 45 minutes every other day.
- If you add 5 pounds to your squat every other day for 35 days, over the course of this time you will have increased your squat by 70 pounds of more.
This is how I increased my squats 70 pounds in 35 days.
On November 13th, I did 5 sets of squats for 5 repetitions using 55 pounds.
Today on December 17th, I did 5 sets of squats for 5 repetitions using 125 pounds.
Clearly, if a 58 year old man with a torn medial meniscus who is a beginner at weightlifting can increase his squats by 70 pounds in 35 days, I am sure that you can learn how to increase your squat 70 pounds or more, since I am assuming that like most people I meet these days, you are younger, so no excuses!
How to Increase Your Squat to Fight Depression and Obesity Conclusion
My conclusion is that gradual improvement is the simple yet powerful principle behind learning how to increase your squat 70 pounds or more in 35 days.
There is no need to try and lift more weight than you can handle, just add 5 pounds or even less every other day and give your body a chance to adapt to the heavier weight.
Follow the ancient yet effective method of Milo of Croton who lifted a baby calf on his shoulders every day until it grew into a bull and he became a famous athlete of noted strength in his day.
Consistency and slowly adding resistance are the key ingredients to successfully increasing the weight of your squats.
Questions for You
Do you have a different method for how to increase your squat?
If you found this article How to Increase Your Squat 70 Pounds in 35 Days Without Steroids useful, please share it with your friends and/or family.
If not, my apologies and can you let me know what you think can make it better?
I hope that this post will help you to increase your squats and get stronger, leaner and healthier in both body and mind.
I thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts about how to increase your squat in the comments below.