What Will 100 Pushups a Day Do for You?
Why do 100 pushups a day?
I am sure you would agree that as you get older, it gets harder to get in or stay in shape, right?
Forget about getting fit, how about just losing weight, like your pot belly or man boobs.
It gets harder and harder to look and feel athletic, especially when you are over 40, 50, and 60 years of age.
But this problem of an aging body gets even worse.
You lose muscle mass every year.
According to NASM (the National Academy of Sports Medicine), loss of muscle mass, also known as sarcopenia, occurs as a result of aging.
After age 35, you will lose between .5 – 1.0 percent of your muscle mass annually unless you engage in regular physical activity to prevent it.
Resistance Training
By engaging in a regular resistance training program and following a sound diet that includes adequate amounts of protein, you can prevent most of the muscle loss associated with age.
Health experts recommend that you engage in some type of resistance training that focuses on all major muscle groups a minimum of 2 times per week and up to 5 times per week, depending upon your goals. ¹
If you do not make a concerted effort to maintain and build your muscle, you are facing trouble.
With less muscle mass, you will continue to pack on the pounds.
Your metabolism will slow down, and you will gain weight.
You will get more fat and less fit, which means less functional and less attractive.
You have a 3 out of 4 chance of being overweight or obese after the age of 20.
Obesity drives many chronic illnesses like type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.
Fortunately, there is a simple solution as close to you as your nearest floor!
100 pushups a day for 30 days of body transformation
A Simple Solution
What is more straightforward than the pushup?
And what is easier to do anywhere than pushups?
All you need is a floor, and off you go.
Even if you become a walker (which is excellent) and make sure to take a 30-minute walk every day, that is not enough.
You need more resistance training, especially for your upper body.
The push-up is the perfect solution to motivate yourself to get fit and build muscle, with minimum investment, time, and money required.
Here are 30 benefits and tips from doing 100 pushups per day.
100 Pushups a Day: 30 Things I learned that Will Make You Fit
No Matter What Your Age
#1. Your muscles will grow stronger even if you are over 60.
#2. You need 100 pushups a day challenge to force your body to build muscle and improve muscle tone.
#3. Increasing the intensity of your training will help you develop more strength, so if you can do 100 pushups over thirty minutes, reduce the time to get stronger.
#4. If you can only do 20 pushups straight today, you will be able to do more in two months from now.
#5. You might even be able to do 50 pushups in a row after two months.
#6. The last 5 or 10 might not be too pretty, but you will get to 50.
I know this is possible because I have increased my initial set of pushups from 20 to 50 in 2 months.
If my body responds to daily pushups at the age of 65, then your body will positively respond as well.
So, think of the 100 pushups a day benefits for yourself if you are younger, or even older!
#7. Doing pushups every day helps you get better at doing pushups
#8. All you need is ten to fifteen minutes a day to get in an excellent upper body workout
#9. After doing 100 pushups a day for 60 days, you will see a difference in your physique (assuming you eat clean – real food daily – remember, you can never out-train a bad diet, a processed food diet!)
#10. You will not only get stronger, but your muscles will get bigger.
Minimum Equipment
#11. Your arm measurement can increase by up to 1 inch.
#12. Use a hardwood floor if you have one available.
Hardwood floors seem to be least vulnerable to your hands getting sweaty and slipping.
#13. Keep your room dry.
#14. Keep your feet together; makes it a bit easier to do pushups.
#15. Practice perfect pushup form, body straight from head to toe.
Make sure to touch your chest to the floor on each repetition.
However, if that full range of motion bothers your shoulders, pull back a bit and at least touch your nose (which gives me an unfair advantage!)
#16. Do your 100 pushups a day training first thing in the morning before you have breakfast for the best results.
This way, you make sure to get in your 100 pushups a day workout before you get busy commuting and working.
#17. Invest in your health and fitness before anything else.
There is nothing more important than maintaining and improving your health, is there?
When you do not have energy, when you are not feeling or looking good, you will not be living your optimal life.
#18. Doing 100 pushups every day will prime the rest of your day and help put you into a peak state.
#19. Focusing on only one good health and fitness habit a day will lead to new lifestyle habits that can change your body and change your life.
#20. Once you spend 10 to 20 minutes of your day hitting 100 pushups, do you think you will want to ruin that effort by downing a blueberry muffin and soda?
I don’t think so.
Get Stoked to Get Fit
#21. After your 100 pushups, you are going to be more motivated to eat real food, drink water, get to sleep on time, and do additional training like:
- squats,
- deadlifts,
- jump rope,
- swimming,
- rowing,
- cycling, or
- walking to complement your 100 pushups a day.
#22. Think progressive training with records and stop thinking about working out with no measurements.
#23. Use a 100 pushups a day training log to record how many pushups you did, the number of sets, and the total time used.
#24. You can use a standard stopwatch, a stopwatch on your smartphone, or a Fitbit.
I prefer the Fitbit because of its other features of tracking heart rate for cardio training and steps walked each day.
#25. You must use a training log if you want to improve your pushups and get fitter and stronger.
#26. Training is superior to working out.
Because by definition, you measure training by keeping a written record.
Whereas working out is only a general activity.
How many years have you ‘worked out’ at the gym with not much to show for it?
Even after decades of working out?
The same thing happened to me, nothing!
#27. But, if you train with a log, if you record every training session, you will know the time or number of pushups you are trying to beat.
#28. You do not need to compete against anyone to become an athlete.
#29. Start by competing against yourself.
Beat yesterday’s time taken to do 100 pushups.
Do more pushups on each set today than yesterday, even if it is only one more pushup.
#30. One hundred pushups a day is a base foundation for pushing you to keep training to get fitter, get stronger, and live better.
How To Increase the Intensity Of Your 100 Pushups a Day Training
Increase the intensity of your pushups to increase the effectiveness of your strength training.
Shorten your rest period between sets.
For example, let’s say you need ten sets of 10 pushups over 30 minutes to do your first 100 pushups.
And you rested for 3 minutes in between each set.
Every day try to decrease your rest time gradually.
You will find that as you reduce your rest time, your muscles will get stronger.
And before you know it, you will be able to do 12 or 15 pushups, and then 20 pushups.
You can also use a weighted vest to increase resistance.
Be consistent, and before you know it, your time to do 100 pushups a day will decrease as well.
And you will be able to do more pushups on your initial set.
Warning: 100 pushups a day might not be a great idea to build strength
Despite everything said, there is a big caveat.
Without proper rest, your muscles cannot recover and grow stronger.
Consider doing 100 pushups every other day to see the difference in how you feel.
Some people can do pushups every day and still recover and others cannot.
You need to see how your body reacts to pushups every day.
However, when it comes to weight training, as in:
- 3×5 workout plan,
- squats, or
- deadlifts,
There is a unanimous agreement that you need at least 48 hours for your muscles to recover before your next training session.
If you squat, deadlift, or bench press more than once a week, keep a detailed training log and only increase the weights gradually, and keep the volume down.
Do only enough volume to cause some stress the muscle, but not too much.
For example, in the 3×5 workout, between warmup and work sets, reps are about 25 reps total, three times a week.
Watch the following excellent presentation on how your muscles get stronger through neural adaptation and hypertrophy, and how you can apply this knowledge to build strength:
100 Pushups a Day – Wrapping up
If you a 40+-year-old man or woman, you can get fitter and stronger than you are today.
And if you are younger, why wait till you get older?
Now is the best time to take action.
By doing 100 pushups a day, you can inspire and motivate yourself to keep training for better health and strength.
What do you want more of in your life?
More oreo cookies or more fitness and strength?
I shouldn’t have asked that, right?
Because you would rather have the Oreos?
Me too, but the taste of the Oreos only lasts for a few minutes, and the Oreo high only lasts an hour.
And you only satisfy your tongue at the expense of the rest of your magnificent body.
Is that fair?
And after a lifetime of Oreos, Snickers, Doritos, etc., you only have a lifetime of obesity and other chronic illnesses to look forward to in the future.
Where Will You Invest Your Time and Money?
If you invest 10 to 20 minutes of your time in doing 100 pushups a day workout, you are building a foundation for a fitter, stronger, and better life.
When you think long-term, you are going to want to look and feel great.
You will want to look and feel better, more than you want those Oreos.
Stop investing in Nabisco stock and start investing in your health and fitness.
Feeling good and fit tastes much better than tired, out of shape, groggy, diabetic, high blood pressure, and fat.
You build better habits by starting with one.
And what is more practical than pushups?
Try out 100 pushups a day for a month, and see how you look and feel.
All you need is a floor, a little space, yourself, a stopwatch or Fitbit, a 100 pushups a day training log, and a pencil or pen.
What’s Next
To complement this classic ‘push’ movement which primarily works the anterior (front) muscles of your body, you need the most powerful ‘pull’ movement for your posterior chain muscles along the back half of your body.
To that end, the next step on your fitness and body transformation journey is to incorporate the conventional deadlift or hex bar deadlift into your training of 100 pushups a day.
Related posts:
- 100 Pushup Challenge: How to Easily Do 36,500 Push Ups in 2024
- The Powerful Benefits of Pushups to Change Your Body from Fat to Fit
- What Muscles Do Pushups Work?
- 5 Tips for a Perfect Pushup Workout
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- Why Is It So Hard To Lose Weight After 30, 40, or 50?
- Get Fit or Die Trying; The Time to Take Action is Now
- How to Get Better at Push-Ups Fast for Beginners
¹ Best types of exercise programs for muscle mass after age 35 – Sharecare