Just Eat Real Food – Introduction
Just Eat Real Food – Daily.
That’s it.
No big secrets, unique plans, or pills; start eating real food every day!
In just 60 days or so, I slowly dropped over 30 pounds, and over the next 120 days, another 50 pounds.
Almost immediately, during that time, I noticed that the more that I had real food, the less junk I was craving, and the compulsion for the midnight muffins at the Deli disappeared.
I could tell that the darkness of constant hunger and depression was lifting ever so slightly, enough that I felt some relief.
Yes, I did work out, but I am sure the key is to “Just Eat Real Food!”
My exercise was on the minimal side: walking for 30 minutes to an hour, deadlifts, squats, bench press, and pushups two or three times a week.
And that was what it took to drop 75 pounds in six months.
After decades of struggling with losing weight, I found that it was as simple as being consistent in eating real food and a basic strength training program.
The Secret
Just Eat Real Food is the fundamental concept of the Hashi Mashi plan.
Not too earth-shattering, but true nonetheless.
The more unprocessed your food, the better chance you will easily reach your ideal weight.
For simplicity, the Hashi Mashi plan’s essence is just five words – “Eat Real Food and Move.”
That’s it.
That essence is the big secret you need to know!
Grocery Choice
It all comes down to the food that you choose.
You can walk into the supermarket and walk out with foods that will make you obese.
Or, you can come out with fuel for your body and mind.
In just 60 days, from June 21st to August 19th of 2012, I dropped over 30 pounds.
Just eat real food, like this Hashi Mashi Breakfast:
So simple, even I could make it myself

Slow Weight Loss
Even losing 15 pounds in a month is relatively fast.
Some people might think that it is too slow.
What is the rush?
It took years to put on all the weight.
Give yourself some time to take it off.
Yes, I did work out, but after eight years of maintaining the same long-term weight loss, I am sure that the type of food + strength training is the key.
Fat Bastard
I was lucky enough that a friend of mine made sure to let me know I was a fat bastard.
Daily, practically!
Without him alerting me to that inconvenient truth, I would likely be the same weight or more.
Anyone who is over 40 or 50 knows that getting into shape does not get more comfortable as you get older.
I never imagined that the core foundation of fitness is to eat real food and start moving your body.
Who knew?
What does it mean to eat real food daily?
Just Eat Real Food daily means that you want to eat lots of fresh vegetables, more than you ever have.
Eat Real food daily means fresh fruits, raw nuts, and sometimes minimum processed Yogurt.
Real food can also include organic eggs, fish, chicken, and even grass-fed beef.
But, real food does not mean snickers, coke, jelly beans, pop tarts, or any other industrial concoctions whipped up in food processing plants.
Instead, you want to eat vegetables and fruits, plus a moderate amount of sweet potatoes, white potatoes, sprouted grain bread, or whole grains like quinoa, kasha, or oatmeal.
How to End Obesity
I have struggled with obesity and depression for most of my life, and I want to help other overweight, obese, or depressed people discover that there is a way to lose weight and transform your body from fat to fit.
As hopeless as it might seem, do not give up!
The relatively simple solution has been staring you in the face from the perimeters of your supermarket: just eat real food daily!
If you are sick and tired of being fat just as I was, and fortunately, once you have had enough and want to make a change, you will get real results if you do something different than you have ever done.
Real Food VS Industrialized Food
I had never thought much about real food vs. industrial food.
I was the last person to believe that all those slick-packaged foods advertised on TV could be complicit in turning my body into a tower of jello.
At the core is the idea that to lose body fat and build muscle, you have to eat real food daily and get out of the chair or off the couch.
The most significant changes will come from eating real food and lifting weights, such as calisthenics exercises like pushups or lifting barbell weights and focusing on deadlifts, squats, bench presses, barbell rows, and clean and presses.
Of course, you can also use dumbbells or resistance bands as well.
Lifting weights is going to help lift your mood besides losing body fat and building muscle.
Besides the physical workout, you need to keep giving your body and mind real quality food daily so that you have the best chance to have a brain functioning at optimum levels, which can reduce your stress, anxiety, or depression.
Just Eat Real Food Sample Menu
Here is a sample day’s Menu:
Four egg whites (sometimes a yolk, but I will be checking cholesterol soon, and let you know how it has or has not been affected), greens, onions, spinach, and peppers made into an omelet.
Serve with hummus and avocado on the side and some olives.
If you don’t like eggs, have some cottage cheese and melon.
Or plain Greek Yogurt with berries and some almonds.
Cherries, blueberries or strawberries, and some almonds or walnuts.
Sprinkle some raisins, too, if you are starving, but that is doubtful after a classic Hashi Mashi Good Morning Breakfast!
Have a chicken soup or, if you are vegetarian, maybe a black bean soup, chicken salad, tuna or turkey salad.
Try to overdose on greens as often as possible.
Keep trying to eat more vegetables than you have ever done in your life, raw peppers, cucumbers, whatever, to keep yourself going.
Have an apple or peach, whatever is juicy and in season.
A sweet potato baked or boiled, wild salmon, broccoli, or any other vegetables sauteed in olive oil.
For example, have a raw salad made with tomato, cucumber, radish, olives, and spinach.
And try to have one or two sauteed vegetables like asparagus, bok choy, broccoli, cauliflower, mustard greens, okra, spinach, and watercress.
You can make them all the same.
Easy Dinner Recipe:
Add olive oil to a saute pan and sprinkle in salt, turmeric, coriander, and cumin.
Or any other favorite spices.
And saute till your vegetables are the consistency that you like.
Add some red pepper flakes or jalapeno if you like it spicy.
Is That So Tough?
You will not starve!
If I, a former cookie monster, who thought he could not live without chocolate chip cookies every day can do it and eat real food daily, I am sure you can.

Especially if you are sick and tired of being overweight, especially if you are sick and tired of being obese, and you think you have tried every diet on the planet.
Even the more so if you hardly eat anything every day and you are still fat!
The truth is that you barely eat any food of value, which is why you still feel hungry all the time and are even more overweight than you ever thought.
The secret sauce, the simple secret, is to eat real food and move.
Get moving by walking, rucking, elliptical, swimming, or biking.
If you can’t walk, use a stationary or recumbent bike.
And when you can, add full-body strength training like core bodyweight exercises, Yoga, barbell deadlifts, squats, or calisthenics exercises like pushups and pull-ups.
Just Eat Real Food – Wrapping Up
The Hashi Mashi Fitness formula to eat real food, walk, deadlift, squat, do pushups, and calisthenics will transform your body over six months to a year.
People will notice it even sooner.
You will lose body fat, build muscle, change your body’s shape, and even your face.

You can look like a much younger version of the person you are right now, assuming that you have at least 20 pounds of fat to lose, which is generally the threshold of body recomposition.
The foundation is ‘just eat real food and start moving your body.’
There, you just saved twenty bucks on another diet book!
Please let me know how the Hashi Mashi Plan works out for you!
Remember, just eat real food + move, and watch the pounds melt away.