Introduction to the 100 Pushups a Day Challenge
Why a 100 pushups a day challenge?
So you can hit 100 push-ups a day!
This adds up to between 2,800 and 3,100 pushups a month and can add up to a total of 36,500 pushups a year.
Because you know you want to get fit!
What is a workout routine that will take you less than 15 minutes a day?
Is there one exercise you can do which will not require a lot of time and special equipment?
The answer is yes, the ‘simple’ pushup.
Pushups are the gold standard of testing strength, as they are a core component of the new army combat fitness test standards.
You have seen the images of just about every military force in the world using pushups as a basic strength conditioner.
Pushups are your most basic resistance exercise, and all you need is yourself, and a floor, which is why you are so familiar with pushups, from school gym class, or even punishment!
Pushups will build a kaleidoscope of muscle groups, your chest, arms, shoulders, core, and your confidence.
No wonder even the Navy Seals incorporate pushups into their strength training.
If pushups are good enough for the Navy Seals, they are good enough for you!
Can Pushups Alone Build an Impressive Physique?
Here are some benefits of a 100 pushups a day challenge:
#1. You do not need a gym.
#2. All you need is your body and the floor.
#3. Whether you have a tile, hardwood, or carpet, they are all perfect for pushups.
#4. What is better than bodyweight training, and what is simpler and more effective than the pushup?
#5. When you go to the gym, you have to wait for equipment or space to train.
Especially if you want to use the squat rack to do squats.
Or you want some space or weights to do deadlifts.
One of the best benefits of pushups is that you do not need any equipment.
Only the floor of your home, carpet, wood, linoleum, your driveway.
This will inspire you to look for more bodyweight exercises that you can do at home with minimum equipment.
Herschel Walker and Pushups
Herschel Walker built one of the most spectacular physiques of all time with pushups.
When you build up to 100 pushups a day, you will see for yourself the changes in your upper body.
How about your chest, shoulders, arms, triceps, and believe it or not, even your abs!
It is a challenge to remain in a plank position when you do more than 15 or 20 pushups.
Even better, once you start your day off with 100 pushups, you will be more likely to eat real food (eat clean) the rest of the day.
Who wants to ruin all that hard work with a cinnamon donut?
No, you start the day getting stronger and continue to get leaner with real quality food, which is how to get leaner and stronger every day.
And pushups combined with fueling up on real food is how it is possible to lose 75 pounds in 6 months.
Or 20 pounds or more in 3 months.
One day at a time.
Herschel Walker, the former football player turned MMA fighter
Herschel did not lift barbells or dumbbells.
Instead, Herschel did thousands of pushups and sit-ups seven days a week.
As a result, he built one of the most powerful physiques you will ever see.
Success leaves clues.
You do not have to lift weights to get a chiseled physique.
Calisthenics exercises alone, like pullups, pushups, and bodyweight squats can do the trick.
Herschel Walker is proof.
How Did Herschel Walker Start With Pushups?
“As a chubby adolescent, Herschel Walker couldn’t do any pushups at all.
He worked his way up to 25 pushups a day.
He did as many as he could, then took a 10–15-second break.
And then did more until he hit 25 pushups a day.
Using the same approach, he worked up to doing 50 pushups a day.
And then 100 pushups a day.
Slowly he increased his reps until he was doing 2,000 pushups a day as a young man.” ¹
Before you know it, you will do 100 pushups a day in 15 minutes or less.
“What gets measured, gets managed.” – Peter Drucker
Keep a 100-pushup challenge journal.
Why record your 100 pushups a day in a Journal?
If you want to make progress, you must keep a journal of your pushup workouts.
To understand the power of recording your workouts, read what journaling did for the greatest powerlifter of all time, Ed Coan.
Are you ready to start doing 100 pushups a day?
The idea is that you will get stronger as you reduce your time.
Even without going to the gym to lift weights.
To help you record your workouts, here is a 100 Pushup Challenge Journal for you to print out and use for yourself.
I have found keeping a journal the old school way is more satisfying and motivating than doing so online.
How to Start the 100 Pushups Challenge
Note: This guide is for informational purposes only, not for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always fill out a PAR-Q form and then: Consult your doctor or health professional before starting an exercise program.
At the outset of a hundred pushups program, your muscles need to recover.
Therefore, doing a hundred pushups a day is too much wear and tear.
You need to build up strength.
So, taking one day’s rest in between your pushup workout routine is wise.
One hundred pushups a day do not have to be daily.
Every other day will get you on the right path.
Get a stopwatch, and use your phone stopwatch or a clock in your home.
Pick a time of the day when you have ten to fifteen minutes available.
For a beginner, start with 5 or 10 pushups a day.
If you can only do one pushup, then do one.
If you cannot do any pushups on the floor, do them against a wall or stairs or a chair.
Now, wait a minute or two minutes.
Do another five pushups or just one more pushup.
Rest for two minutes and do one more pushup or three pushups.
If you do these drop sets starting with 5 pushups over 10 minutes, you will do the following:
- 5,
- 4,
- 3,
- Two and
- One pushup,
Which equals 15 pushups.
Do as many pushups as possible within the 5, 10, or 15-minute slot you have allocated.
If you are a beginner, completing 100 pushups a day might take a little time.
But it will happen.
I could not do one push-up eleven years ago.
But now I can do 100 pushups a day in under 20 minutes.
Believe me; I am grateful I can even do one push-up at the age of 66!
Remember, your body will respond.
If You Can Do Ten or More Pushups
Start with ten pushups and then five drop sets, which will look like
- 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, and 5 pushups, which is 47 pushups.
If you start with 15 pushups as your initial set.
Then do five drop sets; you can do 75 total pushups.
- 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10 = 75 pushups
Or if you start with 20 pushups, you can do 105 pushups using these sets:
- 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15 = 105 pushups
You will get an intense workout if you keep your rest period between pushups to a minute or two.
You can build up to 100 pushups a day in 15 minutes or less.
As you get stronger, you will be able to do 100 pushups a day in less than 12 minutes.
Once you can do 20 pushups every 2 minutes, keep reducing the rest time in between sets.
Pushups Are KILLING Your Gains With This Mistake
What are the Benefits of Pushups?
Is 100 pushups a day good?
Yes, because pushups are a full-body exercise.
As a result, pushups will add muscle all over your body.
Daily pushups will help you improve your posture.
Starting your day with pushups will motivate you to stick to healthy eating and exercise habits.
There are many excellent benefits of pushups which you can read about in The Powerful Benefits of Pushups to Change your Body from Fat to Fit.
If Pushups Are So Great, Why Don’t You Do Them?
That is an easy question to answer because pushups are hard!
Especially if you want to do 100 pushups a day.
Be honest with yourself; which is easier, a bench press or pushups?
Or better yet, how about a seated machine chest press or pushups?
Of course, pushups are much harder than either of those two.
But the bench press is the way to go if you cannot do pushups because you are overweight.
Lack of Time
You commute forty minutes to an hour a day to your job.
And then you sit most of the time at your desk or in your car.
It is not so simple to motivate yourself to do pushups.
You feel that you do not have time to exercise or go to the gym.
Perfect, because that is the best reason to start doing pushups at home.
Going to the gym takes a lot of time.
You must drive to the gym, change clothes, and wait for equipment.
Then you shower and drive home.
On the other hand, you can start a pushup program in your home or apartment.
As long as you have a floor, you are good to go.
Do you Feel Like You Have No Motivation?
Then challenge yourself.
Do it.
Just like you get up every morning and brush your teeth, challenge yourself to push your body a bit more every day for your own good.
Invest in yourself; you are worth it.
Too Many Distractions?
The environment you live in is full of endless distractions.
This is why you have to carve out some sacred space for yourself.
Invest 10 to 15 minutes a day in building your body, mind, and life.
One hundred pushups a day are a great investment in strengthening your physique.
And not just your physical fitness, but your mental fitness as well.
Shut off the tv, get off the internet, access the Pushups Journal, and start doing 100 pushups a day!
Difficult to Build Good Habits?
Of course.
Bad habits are easy to come by, and good habits are not.
That is why you want to stack them up one at a time.
Build one good habit at a time.
6 Worst Pushup Mistakes Sabotaging Your Chest Growth
100 Pushups a Day Challenge Experience
Maybe you also can only do one or a few and want to build up to 10 or 20 or 50, or 100.
How do you start a training plan to build up your pushup strength?
My suggestion is to increase it gradually.
Start with one good form pushup, either full plank style or from your knees.
If you can do more than one, do it, rest the next day, and try again.
Even if you can only do one push-up a day for 30 days, do it.
It will take time until your body gets strong enough to add more pushups.
But once it does, you will be able to add a push-up every day to your max.
At this point, add another pushup or pushups whenever possible.
So be it if it takes you a month to get up to 10 pushups.
Once you hit 25 pushups, you will be closer to the holy grail of 100.
The more pushups you do with good form, the better you will get.
As well as stronger.
You will experience yourself that the overload principle and S.A.I.D. – Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands principles are working.
I am also enjoying the 100 pushups challenge more than going to the gym.
I already see improvement from twelve days of this 100 pushup challenge.
How about you?
100 Pushup Challenge – Final Thoughts
You don’t need to have a very complicated program to get stronger.
But you do need to have a plan.
Start laying the foundation with basic strength training exercises, like pushups.
Start the 100 pushup challenge, and then add squats, burpees, or jumping jacks.
This is how you get to doing 36,000 pushups a year.
Remember, to continue to get stronger, you must record your push-up training program.
Without a journal, you have no record or training, just another workout you will soon forget.
This is why most people never progress in transforming their bodies from fat to fit.
Without a record, you do not have the basic requirement of resistance training.
Access the 100 Press Up Challenge Journal here.
Yes, you should have started doing 100 pushups a day 25 years ago.
But, if you did not, today is the best time to start!
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I used this plan to lose 100 pounds in 18 months.
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