Why Is It So Hard To Lose Weight- Introduction
“Why is it so hard to lose weight?!”
Have you ever thought that to yourself in despair?
If you are over 30, 40, or 50 and still wonder why it is so hard to lose weight, this post is for you.
You need to know the answer to this vital question.
Because when you do know, you can dramatically change your body and life!
Close to 75 percent of Americans are either overweight or obese, so you are not alone.
Overweight and obesity are significant contributors to chronic diseases like:
- type 2 diabetes,
- cardiovascular disease,
- high cholesterol, and
- hypertension.
Those are the last problems with which you need to deal.
But that’s not all.
Besides the silent killers that lurk behind excess weight, you will also not look and perform at your best.
Don’t you deserve to look and feel better starting today?
You sure do, and it is not as complicated as you might think.
This article will reveal the two primary culprits and how you can reach your healthy weight goal, fast!
Doctors Orders
Are you having a hard time losing weight even though your doctor told you that it is essential?
Did your doctor tell you that you are overweight or obese, have high cholesterol or high blood pressure, and maybe close to getting type 2 diabetes?
You say, “so what should I do?”
“I have tried so many diets.”
“How,” you ask, “how do I lose weight?”
Typically, doctors are not in the ‘how to lose weight’ business.
They can quickly diagnose if you must lose weight, but do not focus on the how.
That is where a good personal trainer or health coach can be of help.
It only seems like yesterday that you were playing on your high school baseball or football team.
Or maybe you did varsity tennis or swimming.
You were in shape, and it was probably the fittest time of your life.
But what happened over the last 10, 20, or 30 years?
How did you go from being lean and muscular to as toned as a bowl of jello?
From where did all those layers of fat come?
Is there a simple, practical plan that can help you stop the weight gain and get back into shape, no matter your age?
The answer is yes, but first, understand the two main reasons why you find it so hard to lose weight because once you do, it will be that much easier to get onto the path of long term health and fitness.
Culprit #1. Poor Diet
Most likely, you grew up on junk food, also known as convenience food or processed food.
Ongoing work and life demands confront you after you graduate high school or college.
But, you are not a chef, nor do you have time to cook.
Everything is a rush, to the office, to meet deadlines, to get home, and even to catch that plane for vacation.
There never seems to be enough time.
Well, the processed food manufacturers have you covered because they have formulated thousands of manufactured food items to give you short bursts of energy while keeping you addicted to their product.
When you were a kid, you could not see the effects of the processed foods on your body.
But now that you are older, you suddenly see the results, and they are not pretty.
It seems that no matter what diet you try, you only gain weight!
And at this point, it is no joke.
You are facing severe consequences if you do not learn how to lose weight and build muscle mass.
And most likely, your doctor has told you the same.
So, What’s the Problem?
The first problem is your food intake is not fueling your body correctly.
Your body needs the right ‘fuel’ to function at an optimal level, and real food that came from mother earth is the best fuel for your body.
For example, you will never find the bodybuilding and health benefits of broccoli in a Snickers bar or Oreo cookies, two of my old-time favorites!
A poor diet is caused by not eating enough real food.
It is the primary reason why it is so hard to lose weight for any adult who relies on processed food.
You do not need to blend shakes all day, count points or calories.
But, you do have to change the quality of your food intake and start a healthy eating plan of real food to reach your weight loss goals successfully.
What is real food?
Think of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, lean protein like chicken, turkey, but for emphasis, remember vegetables.
Even many vegetarians do not eat many vegetables, and that is a recipe for disaster.
They have plenty of soy-based products, fake meats, bread, and muffins, but where are the real fresh vegetables?
One of the secrets of short term and long term success in weight management and body transformation is I hate to tell you: vegetables!
Do You Think Vegetables are Decorations for Your Meals?
Remember Swanson’s Fried Chicken Dinner or Chicken Pot Pie?
I do not know about you, but I grew up on them.
By the age of 50, you might still think that the meat, chicken, or fish is the central part of the meal.
Yes, of course, we all expect a few thin spears of asparagus with our steak, but that is to make the dish look good.
Vegetables are not decorations.
Believe it or not, vegetables are your secret weapon to successful weight loss at any age and getting fitter than you ever dreamed possible.
You likely neglect these simple vegetables that can transform your life.
Of course, it is not your fault because food addiction, meaning the craving for processed food, is a genuine issue, but the lack of real food keeps you overweight or obese.
If you do not believe me, eat mostly vegetables for a week and see what happens.
Add a little healthy fat like avocado and olives and some lean protein like beans, fish, or chicken, and watch your body change like magic!
You will get results, without starvation, without shakes or counting calories.
Next time you are in the supermarket, go to the vegetable section and pick up fresh vegetables like:
- asparagus,
- bok choy,
- broccoli,
- zucchini,
- mustard greens,
- chayote,
- eggplant,
- spinach,
- snap peas,
- watercress,
And make sure to have at least one or two vegetables with your dinner.
You need to get into the habit of eating vegetables if you want to lose weight, get fit, and transform your body from fat to fit.
Even if you are over 50, it’s not too late; it is just a bit harder to lose weight after 50 because of your ingrained eating habits.
There is a super effortless style of cooking vegetables referenced below in how to cook asparagus on the stove Nepali style.
You can use this same method for just about any other green vegetable out there.
Culprit #2. Lack of Physical Activity
Since you got your first big-time office job, you have been sitting – a lot!
Think about your day.
You sit at the breakfast table to have your morning coffee and muffin.
Then, you get in your car or hop on a bus to commute to your job for a good thirty minutes to an hour.
At the office, you sit for at least another eight hours, if not more.
By the end of your workday, you have already sat for a good 10 hours.
And then, you go home.
Back to sitting during the commute, and you get home for dinner and sit some more at the dinner table, and it is then at dinner time that you likely have your heaviest and longest meal.
You sit at the dinner table and then go to the lazy boy or the couch.
And sit some more watching tv while snacking.
Sitting too much is the second reason why it is so hard to lose weight.
By the age of 50, you have sat for many hours of many days during your life.
Lack of physical activity is such a big problem that scientists have coined the term sitting disease.
Your deconditioned body is the result of a lack of movement for many years.
You have lost lean muscle mass.
As a result, your body’s metabolism is slower than the younger you that had more muscle mass because your body will burn more calories to maintain muscle than fat.
Why Is It So Hard To Lose Weight – Wrapping Up
Now you know what you should do if you want to achieve your weight loss and fitness goals.
You don’t need to go under the knife at a medical center for weight loss surgery.
There are better options!
You can sum up the secret recipe to transforming your body from fat to fit in only five words:
“Eat Real Food And Move.”
These five words are the best formula to lose weight and get fit.
You do not need to know anything else other than how to apply the formula in your life.
Eat real food, better quality food, avoid processed food, and prolonged sitting.
You must start moving if you want to get healthier.
All you have to do is get up out of that chair that you love and start walking.
Get up, get outside, take a walk, bike, play ball, swim, lift weights, get on a treadmill or elliptical, start moving.
You only have one magnificent body, do your best to take care of it, no one else can!
What’s Next
Changing from processed food to real food will go a long way to changing how you look and feel.
But, you will not get the best body composition results if you still refuse to get out of your chair.
For optimum results, you should take a 30-minute brisk walk at least five times a week to enjoy the top 10 benefits of physical activity for your health & fitness.
Even better, a 3×5 strength training plan is the way to go when you want to build lean muscle mass.
Together with resistance training like the magnificent deadlift exercise, the right food is a potent formula to change how you look and feel dramatically.
For many people, all you need is to learn how to lose 20 pounds in 3 months to begin your fitness journey.
If it worked for me, a former Oreo and cookie monster, it could certainly work for you!
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