How to Successfully Lose 20 Pounds
How would you like support for a 30 Day Weightloss Challenge to Lose 20 Pounds or more? If yes, you are in the right place. When I was a hundred pounds overweight, I felt hopeless and did not know what to do. I had tried many diets to no avail. At 55, I felt like I was at the end of my rope because I could barely reach down to tie my shoes.
I couldn’t even see my shoes because of my very big belly. Like you, all I had was a mantra that I must lose weight. Some years it was only 20 pounds, but over the decades, despite all the diets, my weight kept going up.
Soon it became 30, 50, and 75 pounds, but even after my doctor would say that I had to lose weight, every time I left his office with the same question: how? What do I do?
Bear With Me, Because I’m Going to Show You How
And I will even coach you along with email support. What’s better than that?
I believe that if you replace your ‘goal’ of losing weight, whatever amount of pounds it might be, with a ‘system’, you will achieve the long term weight loss and fitness that you are looking for.
Have you ever thought about using a ‘system’ to lose weight, rather than a weight loss goal number?
Probably not, because you are most likely only focused on the ‘goal’ of losing 20 pounds or more, whatever type of diet it takes.
Whether it is intermittent fasting, vegan, low carb low fat, high fat low carb, shake based smoothies, you are willing to bite the bullet to lose that 20 or more pounds.
But, you don’t want to live that way the rest of your life. That’s why it is called a diet and not a system. It is a brief span of time where you suffer until you reach your weight loss goal. Most diets fail miserably. We have all been on them.
Only 5 percent of people who lose weight on a crash diet will keep the weight off as reported by Scientific American. Are you one of those 5 percent? I was for a very long time.
Forget the weight loss ‘goal’, and instead, focus on a ‘system’ which will prevent the predictable weight regain.
Learn a System, Don’t Go On Another Diet
Just imagine if you can learn a system that will help you lose 20 pounds, 75 pounds or more. Wouldn’t that be great? Aren’t you sick and tired of diets?
Don’t you feel like you’re banging your head against the wall in the never-ending battle to lose weight? I’ve been there too, for many decades filled with too many diets and exercise plans.
But, here is the good news:
Hashi Mashi™ is the system I used to lose 75 pounds in 6 months. Even better, everyone I share this system with also loses weight and gets fitter than they thought possible, without suffering.
What’s the Catch?
Why am I doing this? Sharing the Hashi Mashi Diet System™ with you free for a 30-day weight loss challenge support?
Because I know how rotten and frustrating it is to be overweight and/or obese. I know the exasperation of another doctor visit ending in “em, you know, you need to lose weight, take cholesterol-lowering medication and potentially metformin to deal with type 2 diabetes if you don’t take off the pounds. Plus you need medication for your high blood pressure.”
I know the pain and embarrassment when you feel like an eyesore to those who look at you and think or say with their mouth or eyes, ‘what a fat bastard.’ Or prefer not to look at you at all.
Obesity is bad for your health, career, relationships, and fitting into clothing. Especially when you want to look good at a celebration, reunion, or wedding that is coming up.
Do you think I’m exaggerating?
If you are not over 40 or 50 yet, you might.
But that same conversation with your doctor and fat-shaming could happen to you if you do not reach a healthy weight for your height. So, learn what to do now, don’t wait till it is too late. And why miss an opportunity to finally get lean and strong, even if you are over 50?
Get Started on the 30 Day Weightloss Challenge Lose 20 Pounds Support
Use the next 30 days to learn the system of how to lose 20 pounds. It might take you longer than 30 days to lose 20 pounds, but that is no big deal.
Because, if you implement the system, you will have new habits for a lifetime. You are no longer on a diet, this is just the way you live.
Use the 30-day weight loss challenge to learn the system. Then apply it for the rest of your life with modifications that work for you. Who is the biggest nutrition expert when it comes to your health? You are.
You’re the scientist because only you know how good or bad your body feels on a daily basis.
Even Better, You Get a Coach for Free
I am committed to helping you achieve healthier body weight. To that end, after you get my free body transformation guide you can email me for the next 30 days with any questions you have about losing 20 lbs or more.
You gain a wealth of experience and knowledge and I gain the opportunity to help. 30 days is enough time for you to get into the swing of things.
Why should you reinvent the wheel? I spent so many years on the weight loss roller coaster, and if I could find a way out of overweight and obesity, I know you can too. My intention is to motivate, encourage, provide useful tips and cheer you on.
Instead of having you worry about caloric intake and fat loss, I suggest you focus on creating a system that works for you. And use Hashi Mashi Diet™ as a foundation.
Is 20 pounds in 30 days Safe or Even Possible?
First, let’s address the idea of losing 20 pounds in 30 days. That is a rate of 5 pounds per week. And that is not recommended by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). The usual recommendation is no more than 2 pounds per week.
Having said that, there is a good chance that you are bloated. Swollen with water from excess salt and processed food. If you access this 30-day weight loss challenge support opportunity, you will be surprised at how much water weight you can lose.
True, this will not be 20 pounds of body fat, but you will feel a lot lighter and rejuvenated.
The first couple of weeks will result in the largest water loss. The point of the 30-day weight loss challenge is to get you moving towards health and fitness, no matter where you are right now.
What is the Diet Plan?
The essence of this weight loss plan can be summarized in five sentences:
- Eat real food at each meal
- Establish a regular meal pattern
- Do not eat between meals
- Drink 8 glasses of water a day
- Start eating early in the day and stop by 7 pm
Do You have to do Resistance Training?
The only type of resistance training you must do is to walk at least 30 minutes a day. You can walk up to an hour a day, but few people have the time. But if you get in at least 30 minutes a day of walking, you are on your way.
If you are capable, you can also do push-ups, squats, deadlifts, jump rope, or jumping jacks. However, these powerful exercises are not critical for the first 30 days.
Forget About Calories per Day
You do not need to spend your time calculating how many calories per day you are eating. As long as you are eating real food. What is real food?
- fruits and vegetables
- legumes
- whole grains
- olive oil
- lean protein
- tubers
- egg whites
- greek yogurt
This system does not use intermittent fasting or a very low-calorie diet. In fact, the more real food you eat, the more you lose.
There are millions of people who have used diet pills since 1959 when the first diet pill was approved by the FDA. Several studies demonstrated that the average weight loss for those using Phentermine was only 5 pounds per month. And all of these studies used a calorie intake of between 500 and 1500 calories.
Even without diet pills, you can lose up to 8 pounds a month.
30 Day Weightloss Challenge Support – Final Thoughts
This is your introduction to a rare 30-day weight loss challenge that works and will not cost you anything. Do not miss this opportunity to gain free access for the next 30 days.
Just sign up here for your free body transformation guide to lose 20 pounds or more.
But, if you prefer to do it on your own, no worries, just use all the resources available here on
What’s Next
To get the basic meal plan immediately, see How to Lose 20 Pounds in 3 Months Using 5 Simple Steps.
30 days can change your world.
Get started today and you will be pleasantly surprised at how fast you can change your body and life.
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