Unlock the Secrets of Long Term Weight Loss
Do you want to know the best diet to lose weight fast?
I understand and empathize.
Nine years ago, I was topping out at 250 pounds and higher.
I felt hopeless, isolated, and that it was impossible to get back to a healthy weight.
Looking for the best diet to lose weight fast became an obsession.
I tried macrobiotics, veganism, vegetarianism, Atkins, weight watchers, Pritikin, paleo.
You name it.
I think the only one I never tried is Jenny Craig, sorry Jenny!
The bottom line is that I understand how deeply obesity can affect your mind and body.
If you are 30 pounds or more over your ideal weight, you are obese, according to NASM, the National Academy of Sports Medicine.
What can you do if you are 50, 75, or 100 pounds overweight?
Obesity is a severe medical condition.
In 2013, the American Medical Association officially recognized obesity as a disease.¹
But, do not despair; the following roadmap will put you back on track fast.
First, let’s find out if you are at your ideal body weight, overweight, or obese, which is to become conscious of what you are doing to your body.
The Harmful Consequences of Being Overweight – Dr. Rhonda Patrick
Do You Know Your Ideal Weight?
Use the National Institute of Health’s Body Mass Index Table to Find Out:
- Find your height in inches or centimeters in the left-hand column labeled ‘HEIGHT.’
- Now, move across the row to the right named ‘WEIGHT’ and find your current body weight in pounds or kilograms.
- The number at the intersection of the HEIGHT and WEIGHT columns is your Body Mass Index (BMI).
- Notice the color associated with your BMI to determine whether you are underweight:
- (blue), healthy
- (green),
- overweight (yellow),
- obese (orange), or
- extremely obese (red).
This BMI table is courtesy of https://bmicalculator.mes.fm/bmi-chart
Note: This BMI chart will not be accurate for athletes with significant lean body mass, aka muscle.
This BMI chart is specifically for ordinary people. Not for athletes, Olympians, or bodybuilders who have more muscle mass than the average person.
Therefore, if you are an average person, please use this BMI chart below.
Discover whether your weight is healthy for your height or not.
An excellent habit for any weight loss diet is to weigh yourself daily with a body composition scale.
If you are overweight, obese, or extremely obese for your height, you are in the right place.
The Hashi Mashi™ Plan is the best diet to lose weight fast for long term weight loss.
Do Diets Work?
Let’s get a few things out of the way.
I am not going to give you a diet to follow for a few months because there is plenty of evidence that diets do not work.
Statistics show that 97 percent of dieters regain everything they lost, and then some within three years.²
Any program that you start with the intention that it is only temporary will never work.
You need to change your habits, which got you overweight or obese in the first place.
You can lose 10 or 20 pounds fast, but how long will you maintain your weight loss?
Plus, you are not only interested in losing weight.
You want to be healthier, fitter, look, and feel great.
Instead, you will learn the secrets for weight loss and maintenance for the rest of your life.
Don’t laugh if you are so heavy that you cannot believe in reaching your ideal weight.
The real you is a normal-sized man or woman at a perfect and healthy weight for your height as you found in the Body Mass Index table above.
You can achieve a healthy weight and meet your real body.
You can save yourself from chronic illnesses like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.
They are all associated with excess body weight.
What does it mean to lose weight ‘fast’?
Fast weight loss does not mean losing 40 pounds in 40 days!
The fastest suggested weight loss by the National Academy of Sports Medicine is one to two pounds per week.
This rate will help you achieve your ideal weight faster than you thought possible.
Now, are you ready to begin your weight loss transformation?
What BMI doesn’t tell you about your health
The Secrets of The Best Diet to Lose Weight Fast
The first secret of the best diet to lose weight fast is:
Yes, that’s right, start eating the right food, at the correct times.
I know it sounds counter-intuitive.
Many, if not most people, try to eat less when they want to lose weight.
Or, they avoid certain food groups completely to lose weight.
What if I told you that food is your friend?
Would you believe it?
So many of us think that food is the enemy, but the truth is the opposite; starvation is your enemy.
Meaning, that any time that you distress your body by not eating often enough, you are preventing fat loss.
Instead, to lose fat successfully, your body needs to know that it will receive fuel, nutrition.
By eating enough calories, your body can start to release fat.
Without enough calories, your body will hold onto your fat stores.
Knowing that real food is your friend and that you must start eating is the foundation of permanent fat loss.
Never forget that real food is your friend.
When Is The Best Time To Eat?
The word DAY is in uppercase because the emphasis on your calories should come in the daytime as opposed to the majority of your calories coming in the evening, which is the opposite of how overweight and obese people eat.
Obese and overweight people eat nothing or very little during the day.
And then they have dinner that can go all night.
Have you ever done that?
You must eat, and on top of that, you have to add the best times for eating.
For most people who are busy during the day, that is when you most need your fuel.
So, you should prepare for a busy day by having a good breakfast.
A few more hours have lunch.
Then a snack between lunch and dinner.
When night rolls around, you do not need so many calories.
Why do you have to eat so much at night?
To watch sports/news/shows, play mahjong, or sit on the couch?
There is no need for tons of calories in the evening.
You need your fuel for daytime activities.
Overweight and obese people eat too many calories in the evening because they starve their bodies in the daytime.
You Can Never Outsmart Your Body
Your body is more brilliant than you are, despite what your mother may have told you.
If you starve your body in the day, your body will force you to eat non stop in the evening, which results in the familiar vicious cycle of being famished during the day and binge eating at night.
A scenario that guarantees you will be fat.
The best diet to lose weight fast starts with a satisfying breakfast and tapers off to a modest dinner.
Then, a few hours after a moderate dinner, you are ready to sleep and give your body the rest it deserves.
The second secret is to eat more during the day and less at night.
As American nutritionist, Adele Davis said in her 1954 classic Let’s Eat Right to Keep Fit – eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper
But, if you are a late morning breakfast person, here is a solution for you:
- If your first meal is at noon, then do not eat later than 8 pm.
Even if you do not eat till noon, make sure to drink either water or green tea.
Black coffee works for some people as well.
You have to see how you feel.
Eat More Calories in the Morning to Lose Weight – Michael Greger, MD
What Is Clean Eating and Why Should You Care?
Take a selfie picture of yourself now.
Even better, take one photo from the front and one photo from the side.
Now you can see the results of eating processed food.
If you are overweight or obese, you most likely got there with processed food.
Food engineers and scientists create processed food in industrial plants/facilities.
Craving engineers who work in taste institutes for large companies develop junk foods.
The food industry giants hire food scientists.
A primary reason is to addict you to their ‘food.’
Read the Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food to understand why you are addicted to junk food.
If You Want to Change Your Body, You Must Change the Quality of Your Food Choices
Therefore, the third secret is to switch from processed food to real food.
For example, instead of drinking apple juice, eat an apple.
And it goes without saying that if you have pop tarts for breakfast, it is time to replace the pop tarts with old fashioned oatmeal.
Instead of a frozen dinner, have fresh broccoli and chicken.
Add a sweet potato on the side.
Trade in the blueberry muffin for old fashioned oatmeal with blueberries.
You need to substitute real food for processed food.
A typical American supermarket has close to 50,000 products.
Processed foods made in a factory and not on a farm are the majority of these products.³
We are not talking here about organic and grass-fed beef.
Right now, I am suggesting that you think about every one of your meals.
And use real food like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and lean protein wherever possible.
For example, if you have fries at night with dinner, have a baked or sauteed potato.
Do you like diet coke and pizza in the afternoon?
Have a big salad with tomato, onion, and grated mozzarella cheese on a slice of whole-grain or even better, sprouted grain bread instead.
You can sautee the bread in a tad of olive oil and sprinkle some garlic powder if you have time, which is where the art of weight loss transformation and fitness meets science.
You have to get creative in re-creating similar flavors that you instinctively crave.
The third secret is to switch from processed food to real food.
Can I Sit On The Couch And Still Lose Weight?
No, you cannot sit on the couch and still lose weight.
Sure, you can starve yourself and do that, but you will not get healthier and fitter.
Sitting disease is a common affliction of the overweight and the obese.
You sit most of the day, and then you sit some more.
On your commute, eating at the table, in the office, and sitting in your car.
Look at that selfie that you took before.
That is the result of a lot of sitting.
“It is no secret that Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps consumed a massive amount of food while training.
The now-18-time Olympic champion was devouring 12,000 calories per day to fuel his Olympic training schedule.
His daily diet consisted of fried egg sandwiches, two pounds of pasta, and an entire pizza.
Phelps swims at least 80,000 meters a week, which is 50 miles.
He practices twice a day.
Phelps trains for around five to six hours a day at six days a week.”4
Phelp’s eating habits are not the best diet to lose weight fast unless you are also swimming 50 miles a day.
At the least, start walking, rebounding, or rucking 10, 20, or 30 minutes a day, five times a week.
This new habit will help to restart your metabolism and activate your deconditioned muscles.
The fourth secret is to start moving and work up to at least 30 minutes, five times a week.
Start These New Habits to Lose Weight Fast
Eat real food, at regular times, throughout the day.
For most people, a simple meal plan of three meals and one or two snacks is sufficient.
As a result, you will not need portion control because you will never be ravenously hungry and tear the house apart, looking for junk food.
Start walking for 30 minutes a day.
Do not go more than 3 to 5 hours without food; stop feeling hungry all day.
Why should your body suffer?
Instead, let your body feel full and nourished with high-quality real food.
Give your body the nutrition and calories that it needs to serve you.
Remember, you did not become obese over a weekend.
Overweight and obesity is the result of inactivity, overeating, and eating processed foods.
And, this is not your fault, remember that.
Now you know that food scientists spend their careers devising new ways to addict you to their junk food brand.
Of course, there is much more you can do to speed up your weight loss transformation.
Nothing is better than learning that you need to eat real food to see your real lean body.
Make the right change, the better choice of real food over processed food.
And eat more during the day than at night.
Add 30 minutes a day of walking, and you are on your way.
When you start to reach a more comfortable weight, you can add strength training exercises like deadlifts, squats, pushups, and various cardio workouts.
For now, though, let’s get you down to your ideal body weight, a healthy weight for your height!
Best Diet to Lose Weight Fast – Summary
Step 1. Start eating and stop starving yourself to lose weight.
Step 2. Eat your larger meals earlier in the day, and a bit less towards the evening.
Step 3. Switch from processed food to real food.
Step 4. Walk at least 30 minutes, five times a week.
Step 5. At this point, you should have recorded your scale weight and taken your selfies.
What’s Next
Now, it is time for step two of Hashi Mashi™ by going to this next article about a new habit for you to start tomorrow morning, the daily weigh.
Read this article next: How Often Should You Weigh Yourself?
What do you think is the best diet plan to lose weight fast?
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¹ Obesity is a Disease – Medical News Today
² Diets do Not Work – 97 percent of Dieters Regain Weight Within Three Years – Slate Magazine
³ Typical American Supermarket Has Over 50 Thousand Processed Food Items – Quizlet.com
4 Olympic Swimming Champion Michael Phelps Stops His 12,000 Calorie a Day Menu – Washington Post