The No Bread Diet is the Yes Vegetable Diet. There are basics, like we all need fresh air to breathe and pure water to drink. I think it is also reasonable to look at vegetables as a basic.
The No bread diet and the Yes vegetable diet fits in my mind with the natural order of the world. That which we need most, is practically free and plentiful. Imagine if we had to wait on line till air was available?
The no bread diet which is loaded with vegetables has cascading effects
1. Appearance
There is just no comparison between before the no bread diet and after following Hashi Mashi, even facially:
Physical appearance change:
2. Hygiene
for me, once I got rolling on a no bread diet and for that matter, no processed food diet, I had no cravings for the foods that would keep me up all night. Free from battling food cravings, I then had time to take better care of myself in so many other areas, both mind and body.
3. Kindness
I have found that my struggles with depression and anxiety were much more manageable on a no bread diet. There is plenty of evidence that there are links between bread, gluten and depression. I am not a scientist, I just know how different my body and brain feels after having a sandwich and after having a vegetable omelette.
Freedom from anxiety creates a much more easy going and kind individual in my experience.
4. Confidence
Feeling good and feeling better about yourself is an important component of confidence. Besides weight loss, as you know I also highly recommend additional components of better living, such as core body free weight lifting.
The synergistic effect of real food and real strength exercises can transform you into a new person. Now, back to the email, have I taken off the 25lbs that I put on? No.
I am not going to give even one excuse. I am also not going to wallow in guilt, shame or misery. No excuses, No guilt, No shame
For anyone else reading out there who has a weight problem, who wants to change the shape of their body, who is ashamed of their fatness, when they look in the mirror, STOP! Stop right now.
We all made decisions, we are all adults. So, to get back to basics, here is what I am going to do. The first phase of the Hashi Mashi diet that I followed was essentially a no bread diet, no grain diet, not even rice diet. Could be that this is particular to me only, but if you are looking for rapid body transformation, rapid fat loss, you should be safe in replacing all of your normal grain products with vegetables.
That is pretty easy, no?
5. When bread comes to your head, think vegetables
So, instead of eggs on toast, think and make eggs with alot of sauteed vegetables or a whole grain rye wrap. Instead of a fish sandwich, have vegetables and fish. Have a turkey salad with avocado instead of a turkey avocado sandwich.
For snacks have grapefruit, blueberries, strawberries, nuts, avocado, use olive oil and light balsamic vinegar to cook. If you are really hungry, have a sweet potato with your meal. I am cautious with white potato because of how my body reacts, but everyone has to know how they feel best.
Drink a lot of water. Have a dry glass of wine at night, red or white. Get good sleep. No more excuses that you have to watch anything on tv. Stop! Take a walk, shoot for 30 to 60 minutes. Sitting all day is no good.
6. Lift weights and get strong.
In fact, as soon as I publish this, I am going to head to the gym and shoot for squats with 110lbs for 5 sets of 5 repetitions which would be a new high for me. If you want to learn more about 5×5, the best site to visit is .
Squats, deadlifts, bench presses, pushups, dips, pull ups, barbell rows are all great additions to a no bread diet.
By the way, please leave some comments if you are reading, this post or any other, at least that way I know that you are there. Don’t be a stranger!
Thank you.