Are you looking for a slow carb diet review because you want to lose weight?
I understand, and that is why you are in the right place.
Therefore, my goal is to record a 30 day slow carb diet review with daily updates.
I will sort the latest day first, so you can see the most recent results.
Slow Carb Diet Review over 30 Days
July 17, 2016
My lowest weight last week was 194.6.
This morning, I am back up to 197.5.
Initially, I thought this was terrible and discouraging.
But, looking over the last 10 days, I see that 197.5 is not bad.
In addition, the percent body fat is 23.0 and the BMI is 25.6.
So, all numbers have improved.
In fact, this is 5 pounds less than when I started 10 days ago.
Let’s compare to where we started on July 7, 2016:
202.5 pounds, 23.6 percent body fat and 26.0 Body Mass Index.
What Gets Measured, Gets Managed
You may have heard the quote “What Gets Measured, gets Managed”.
According to the Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety, by Jeanne Mager Stellman (page 1992), the Scottish Physicist, known as Lord Kelvin said in his May 3, 1883, lecture on “Electrical Units of Measurement” (Popular Lectures, Vol. 1, page 73):
“I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it.
But, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is meagre and unsatisfactory.
It may be the beginning of knowledge, but you not advanced to the stage of science, whatever the matter may be.”
So, we are learning one good rule of thumb for fat loss.
The practical takeaway is:
Find a number to measure and stick with it.
Also, use the same device or scale to measure your numbers.
Be consistent.
Losing 5 pounds in 10 days is not the end of the world.
Let’s not be greedy.
A slow and steady weight loss is just fine.
10 days is probably the most consistent I have been in tracking results.
Another number that I have been keeping track of is pushups.
I measure how many pushups I can do in one set.
I did not record it back on July 7th, but I did restart doing pushups one time a day.
I started with 15 and have added at least one pushup a day.
A few days ago, I felt stronger, so I went from 25 to 30.
Today I did 31 pushups straight, with no resting in between.
So, I will continue to measure and manage.
The current numbers that I am tracking are:
Weight in Pounds, body fat percentage, body mass index and number of pushups.
The strength measurements I am measuring besides pushups are:
Deadlifts, for which my best deadlifts so far are:
1 set of 3 deadlifts with 185 pounds.
I deadlift once a week.
Squats, for which my best squats so far are:
3 sets of 5 squats with 125 pounds.
Squats are once a week.
Bench Press:
3 sets of 5 bench presses with 150 pounds.
Bench Press is once a week.
Shoulder Press:
3 sets of 4 shoulder presses using 85 pounds.
Shoulder Press is once a week.
Dumbbell Curls:
3 sets of 4 curls using 35 pounds.
Curls are once a week.
You must remember The fundamental idea of ‘what gets measured, gets managed’.
You can apply this to your weight loss and fat loss goals.
The easiest way to measure what we are eating is to keep a food journal.
Keep a food log.
The easiest way to determine whether we are on track or not is to be consistent with our meals.
Here is a suggestion for breakfast.
This breakfast is fast to prepare.
This is a welcome relief for those of us who do not like cooking.
I will give you the nutritional data for this breakfast as well.
You can have this breakfast every day until you get sick of it.
Then, we will come up with another option.
Until that time, try this out:
This egg sandwich is very easy to prepare.
Hard Boil 2 or 3 hormone free eggs.
Take 2 slices of Dave’s killer organic whole grain bread.
Place a 1/4 avocado on one slice of the sandwich.
Add one whole egg and one or two whites.
Add a slice of tomato, a slice of onion and a handful of arugula or spinach.
There is your standard breakfast.
Here is the nutritional breakdown of this egg sandwich:
Breakfast | Calories
Dave’s Killer Bread – Bread Thin Sliced Kt, 2 slice (28 grams) | 140 | 26 | 4 | 6 | 0 | 6 | |
Pete & Gerry’s Organic Eggs – Hard Boiled Egg, 50 g | 70 | 0 | 5 | 6 | 185 | 0 | |
Homemade – Egg White – Hard Boiled, 1 large egg (33g) | 17 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | |
Arugula, raw, 0.5 cup | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Tomatoes – Sliced, 2 slice | 10 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | |
Onion Purple – 1 Slice, 1 slice | 6 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | |
Avocado Quarter – Avocado 1/4, 1/4 Avocado | 80 | 5 | 8 | 1 | 0 | 4 | |
Add Food | 326 | 34 | 17 | 17 | 185 | 12 |
For a standard lunch, nothing is easier than a turkey sandwich.
Don’t worry though, I am going to include vegetarian options too.
Make the same sandwich as the egg sandwich.
And substitute roasted turkey for the eggs.
Lunch | |||||||
Cherries red – Cherries, 1 cup | 50 | 12 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2 | |
Sterns – 12 Grain Bread, 2 slice | 120 | 24 | 2 | 8 | 0 | 4 | |
Tomatoes – Sliced, 1 slice | 5 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Empire Kosher – Roast Turkey, 4 oz cooked | 160 | 0 | 8 | 21 | 70 | 0 | |
Generic – Red Onion Slice, 1 Slice | 6 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Avocado Quarter – Avocado 1/4, 1/4 Avocado | 80 | 5 | 8 | 1 | 0 | 4 | |
Arugula, raw, 0.5 cup | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Add Food | 424 | 43 | 18 | 31 | 70 | 10 |
Here is an entire week workout that you can follow:
Bench Press Workout
Warm up with light weights.
Then, do 3 working sets of bench presses.
Once you can do3 sets of 6 bench press reps, move up 5 pounds to your new weight.
Finish off your chest workout with:
3 working sets of incline bench presses.
3 working sets of dips.
2 sets of 25 kettlebell swings using a 25 pound kettlebell.
Walk for at least 30 minutes sometime later in the day, one hour even better.
Deadlift Workout
Warm up with light weights.
For example:
1 set of 5 deadlifts using 135 pounds.
1 set of 4 deadlifts using 155 pounds.
1 set of 3 deadlifts using 165 pounds.
1 set of 2 deadlifts using 175 pounds.
Then, do 1 working set of deadlifts.
For example:
1 set of 3 deadlifts using 185 pounds.
Once you can do 1 set of 5 deadlifts, move up 5 pounds to your new weight.
Finish off your deadlift workout with:
3 working sets of dumbbell rows.
3 working sets of pull-ups or lat pulldowns.
2 sets of 25 kettlebell swings using a 25 pound kettlebell.
Walk for at least 30 minutes sometime later in the day, one hour even better.
Shoulder Press Workout
Warm up with light weights.
For example:
1 set of 5 shoulder presses using 45 pounds.
1 set of 4 shoulder presses using 55 pounds.
1 set of 3 shoulder presses using 65 pounds.
1 set of 2 shoulder presses using 75 pounds.
Then, do 3 working sets of shoulder presses.
For example:
1 set of 3 shoulder presses using 85 pounds.
Once you can do 3 sets of 6 shoulder presses, move up 5 pounds to your new weight.
Finish off your shoulder press workout with:
3 working sets of dumbbell lateral raises.
3 working sets of triceps kick-backs.
2 sets of 25 kettlebell swings using a 25 pound kettlebell.
Walk for at least 30 minutes sometime later in the day, one hour even better.
Squat Workout
Warm up with light weights.
For example:
1 set of 5 squats using 45 pounds.
1 set of 4 squats using 65 pounds.
1 set of 3 squats using 95 pounds.
1 set of 2 squats using 115 pounds.
Then, do 3 working sets of squats.
For example:
3 sets of 5 squats using 125 pounds.
Once you can do 3 sets of 6 squats, move up 5 pounds to your new weight.
Finish off your squat workout with:
3 working sets of romanian deadlifts.
2 sets of 25 kettlebell swings using a 25 pound kettlebell.
Walk for at least 30 minutes sometime later in the day, one hour even better.
Arm Workout
Warm up with light weights.
For example:
1 set of 5 curls using 15 pounds.
1 set of 4 curls using 20 pounds.
1 set of 3 curls using 25 pounds.
Then, do 3 working sets of curls.
For example:
3 sets of 5 curls using 35 pounds.
Once you can do 3 sets of 6 curls, move up 5 pounds to your new weight.
Finish off your arm workout with:
3 working sets of tricep pushdowns.
Then, do 2 sets of 25 kettlebell swings using a 25 pound kettlebell.
Walk for at least 30 minutes sometime later in the day, one hour even better.
When you get up to 50 kettlebell swings, increase the weight of the kettlebell.
July 16, 2016
Today was a free day, so I did not jot down anything.
No workout, besides walking.
A lot of walking, approximately 8 miles.
Honestly, it was way too humid to walk, live and learn!
July 15, 2016
Thus far, the slow carb diet is not satisfying.
I find that eating canned beans does not feel good.
I also do not like restricting fruit.
So, I am going to try out something new.
July 14, 2016
Today was the first fail day on the slow carb diet and I am not happy!
Weight up to 196.5, 23.0 percent body fat and 25.5 BMI.
So, I am considering the options.
One thing I will note is that I did not have a protein boost shake in the morning.
The slow carb diet recommends that you have a protein shake within 30 minutes of waking up.
The two days that I did that, I took off weight.
Yesterday, when I did not have the protein shake, I did not.
Even worse, I gained.
Alright, none of this is the end of the world.
We will find another way.
When you diet and do not lose weight, how do you feel?
Do you feel discouraged?
I feel your pain!
So, I am considering new options to try for tomorrow.
I do not like the canned beans.
I do not like the limitation on fruits.
I want to bring back the berries.
I wish I had the same great experience as Tim Ferris, but I have not.
Back to the drawing board!
July 13, 2016
Today’s official numbers are:
A total weight of 194.6 pounds, with 22.5 percent body fat and 25.2 Body Mass Index.
Let’s compare to where we started on July 7, 2016:
202.5 pounds, 23.6 percent body fat and 26.0 Body Mass Index.
A weight loss of 8 pounds in 7 days.
I had no Isagenix left and bought a protein drink from the local deli.
That did not feel too great.
Note to self: Get more Isagenix and drink more water.
Pre-Workout Shake:
A commercial protein drink that did not feel too great.
Then I went to the gym to do a shoulder workout.
I only did one set of 10 reps.
I think I will go back later tonight to do a bit more.
Last, 2 sets of kettlebell swings using 14 kilograms / 30 pounds for 25 reps.
After the kettlebell swings, I took a long walk home, for about an hour.
Heat up Urad Dal black lentils, Bok Choy, and 3 hardboiled eggs, same as yesterday.
Urad dal black lentils, add spinach and empire turkey
After lunch, I did a few more sets of shoulder presses:
5 shoulder presses of 45 pounds.
5 shoulder presses of 65 pounds.
5 shoulder presses of 75 pounds.
5 shoulder presses of 80 pounds.
4 presses of 85 pounds.
5 presses of 85 pounds.
6 presses of 85 pounds.
I had a couple of teaspoons of cottage cheese right after this workout.
Then, I went for an hour walk.
Black beans, canned pink salmon, with spinach sautéed in garlic.
And finally, a glass of Dry Red wine.
Shocking Results after 5 days, a 7 pound weight loss
July 12, 2016
Today’s weight is one pound less than yesterday.
1.2 pounds less to be exact, not that we are counting!
Yesterday I started the day off with an Isagenix shake.
Initially, I did so for the protein boost which promotes fat loss.
I found that I was not hungry too fast after that.
I also liked that there are a ton of vitamins, fiber, amino acids and enzymes as well.
So, I did the same today, had an Isagenix shake within 30 minutes of waking up.
The official numbers are:
A total weight of 196.9 pounds, with 23.0 percent body fat and 25.5 Body Mass Index.
So, after 5 days on the slow carb diet, I am down 6 pounds.
No one can complain about that!
And so far, my slow carb diet review is that the meals are filling.
I feel a tinge of hunger at night before sleep which is not terrible.
During the day so far, I have not felt too hungry.
I believe I made more progress yesterday because of the added protein shake.
Drinking a shake within 30 minutes of waking up is counter intuitive.
Usually, people who try to lose weight, delay eating, sometimes till midday.
I have done that myself many times.
But, yesterday, I followed the protocol and had something to eat immediately.
I think it helped!
The meal plan for today is:
Pre-Workout Shake:
Isagenix IsaLean Pro Natural Chocolate Shake.
Here is some shocking data.
As I mentioned just a couple of hours ago, my weight this morning was 196.9.
I had an Isalean Pro Shake, and then did a deadlift workout.
The deadlift workout consisted of the following:
Deadlift 135 pounds for 5 reps
Deadlift 145 pounds for 4 reps
Deadlift 155 pounds for 3 reps
Deadlift 165 pounds for 2 reps
Deadlift 175 pounds for 1 rep
Finally, deadlift 185 pounds for 3 reps.
Then, one set of lat pulldowns using 80 pounds for 10 reps.
Then, one set of dumbbell rows using 30 pounds for 6 reps.
Last, 2 sets of kettlebell swings using 25 pounds for 25 reps.
After the kettlebell swings, I took a long walk home, for about an hour.
I was curious if there was any change on the scale.
To my surprise, there was a dramatic 2 pound weight loss.
How is that possible?
I am not sure myself at this moment, but I will keep posting the results.
The numbers after the deadlift workout and walk are:
A total weight of 194.9 pounds, with 22.6 percent body fat and 25.3 Body Mass Index.
Last friday, my weight was 202.5 pounds.
I think a seven plus pound weight loss over 5 days is pretty impressive.
Heat up Urad Dal black lentils, Bok Choy, and 3 hardboiled eggs.
Urad dal black lentils, add spinach and empire turkey
In case I do not have time or am not hungry, I will have a few brazil nuts.
Raw salad, and Bok-choy, and urad dal black lentil soup, with Stir-fry Tofu.
And finally, a glass of Dry Red wine.
Slow Carb Diet Review Menu for:
July 11, 2016
Today’s weight is exactly the same as yesterday:
A total weight of 198.1 pounds, with 23.2 percent body fat and 25.7 Body Mass Index.
At least the numbers are pointing in the right direction.
First off, I started off the day with an Isagenix IsaLean Pro shake with 30 grams of protein.
My plan is to do a chest workout in the gym:
First, Bench Press
Second, Incline Press
Third, Dips
and afterwards, do Pushups at home.
Then, the plan is for the following meals:
Pre-Workout Shake:
Isagenix IsaLean Pro natural chocolate shake which has 36 grams of protein.
Heat up Black beans, then add spinach, and 3 hardboiled eggs, with half an avocado.
Kidney beans, add spinach and empire turkey
Raw salad, and Bok-choy, and urad dal black lentil soup, with Empire Roasted Turkey Slices
And finally, a glass of Dalton Canaan Dry Red wine.
Slow Carb Diet Review Menu for:
July 10, 2016
Today, I weighed myself in the morning before breakfast.
The numbers are:
A total weight of 198.1 pounds, with 23.2 percent body fat and 25.7 Body Mass Index.
These numbers are much better than just two days ago.
From friday morning till this morning, I am 2.4 pounds down.
So, the plan seems good so far, let’s see what happens.
I want that 10k!
Heat up Black beans, then add spinach, and 3 hardboiled eggs, with half an avocado.
Kidney beans, add broccoli, and chicken soup
Raw salad, Chicken stir-fry, pinto beans, with spinach
Slow Carb Diet Review Menu for:
July 9, 2016
Heat up Black beans, then add spinach, and 3 hardboiled eggs, with half an avocado
Kidney beans, add broccoli, and chicken soup
Raw salad, King Ora Salmon, pinto beans, with broccoli
Slow Carb Diet Review Menu for:
July 8, 2016
Black beans, add spinach, and add 4 slices empire roasted turkey breast slices
Kidney beans, add broccoli, along with chicken soup
Raw salad, King Ora Salmon, with the addition of pinto beans and broccoli
Slow Carb Diet Review Ground Zero
July 7, 2016
I started the slow carb diet review today.
Thirty days of following the slow carb diet protocol.
7/7 sounds like a good number.
202.5 pounds, 23.6 percent body fat and 26 Body Mass Index do not sound like good numbers.
But, the reality is what the reality is.
So, no point in pretending that I am not over 200 pounds.
Now that we have that out of the way.
Here is the plan:
For every meal, have vegetables, beans or legumes and a protein.
Tomato is okay and avocado is a welcome addition.
Black beans, spinach, 3 hardboiled eggs
Kidney beans, spinach, sliced turkey breast
Raw salad, King Ora Salmon, pinto beans, chicken soup, broccoli
The Slow Carb Diet
First of all, I did not invent the slow carb diet.
I read about the slow carb diet in a book by Tim Ferris, The Four Hour Body.
His slow-carb diet principles are very similar to the Hashi Mashi Diet Plan.
One big difference is that no one besides me and a few others have heard of Hashi Mashi!
Only those people in my neighborhood who saw me lose 100 pounds over 10 months.
They are the ones who heard of Hashi Mashi because they saw the results with their own eyes.
The big difference between the slow carb diet is fruit and cheat day.
On the slow carb diet, Tim Ferris suggests having no fruit.
Except for one day a week, which is on your cheat day.
Other than that, the slow carb diet and Hashi Mashi Diet are the same.
What is the Slow Carb Diet?
So, what is the slow carb diet?
In a nutshell, here are the rules of the slow carb diet as presented in The Four Hour Body:
- Do not eat bread, pasta, grains like rice or oatmeal, except for your cheat day.
- Do not eat fruit, except for your cheat day.
- Do not drink fruit juice, and yes, except for your cheat day.
- Do not eat dairy, except for cottage cheese.
- Do not even eat potatoes, except for your cheat day.
What can you eat on the slow carb diet?
- Eat beans and/or legumes and lentils, every day, even every meal.
- In addition, have protein with your meal, like tofu, fish, eggs, or chicken.
- Most importantly, do not forget to have vegetables with your meal, like spinach or asparagus.
- Drink dry red wine, up to 2 glasses a day.
- You can also eat tomatoes and avocadoes.
The slow-carb diet is the same as Hashi Mashi because of the basic meal structure:
A green vegetable, beans, or lentils, a protein.
The main difference is fruit.
While I lost significant weight on the Hashi Mashi Plan, I never went under 19 percent body fat.
According to Tim Ferris, the slow carb diet can bring you down to 10 percent body fat or lower.
Ten Thousand Dollar Reward for Fat Bastard
Why do I want to try the slow carb diet?
Because I am operating under a bet.
Because I have a friend who still loves to call me ‘Fat Bastard’.
Because he bets that there is no way on earth that I can get to 10 percent body fat.
If I win the bet, I am going to win 10 thousand dollars from him.
Believe me, this fat bastard wants to win 10 thousand dollars.
So, the slow carb diet caught my eye, because it guarantees that you can even reach 5 percent body fat.
Do you think he wants to give me 10 thousand dollars?
No way, but I think he deserves to lose for all the times that he called me Fat Bastard.
When Did We Make this Bet?
I think you probably agree that it is not nice to call your friend Fat Bastard, right?
How about calling him fat bastard on his birthday?
Yes, he called me Fat Bastard on my birthday last year.
He said, “There is no way that you will ever get to 10 percent body fat!”
“And if you are not 10 percent body fat, then you are still Fat Bastard, haha!”
And so far, I have to admit that he is right.
I am still over 20 percent body fat.
I want to win this bet, for myself and all of the other fat bastards out there.
I want to win this bet for former fat bastards as well.
I feel your pain!
I know the sense of desperation to get leaner and stronger.
I know firsthand how losing weight can change your life in our material-based society.
You can get more money at your job.
You can get a smoking beautiful girlfriend.
You can even marry her.
You will even improve your health, even though I think money and the girl carry more weight!
Especially more weight when it comes to motivation.
The proof is that my friend who still mocks me as a fat bastard taunted me with this bet!
He is willing to pay up 10 thousand bucks if I can get to 10 percent body fat.
He did not offer 10 thousand if I do anything else, just about shredding fat.
We are a fat-conscious society to the extreme!
Now, just to be clear, he is a very good guy, but he is very direct and honest.
Still losing the Bet!
The problem is that I am still losing this bet.
I have about six months to go and am nowhere near 10 percent body fat.
I am not even under 20 percent body fat!
Why throw away 10 thousand dollars?
I know he is good for the money.
We can do a lot of things with ten grand, right?
Take a vacation, buy new clothes, call him a meathead for losing the bet!
So, this is where the slow carb diet review comes in, I have to win this bet.
Hopefully, the slow carb diet is like Hashi Mashi, but on steroids.
Slow Carb Diet Recipes
Breakfast Recipes
Easy Egg Sandwich:
First, boil 2 or 3 hormone free eggs.
Then, take 2 slices of Dave’s killer organic whole grain bread.
Place a 1/4 avocado on one slice of bread.
Slice one whole egg and one or two whites.
Add a slice of tomato, a slice of onion, and a handful of arugula or spinach.
Dinner Recipes
Raw Salad Recipe:
Slice cucumber, add red onion, and one garlic dill pickle, along with one tomato.
Finally, top the salad with stuffed pimento olives, dill, or cilantro, and add a squeeze of lemon.
Place olive oil in the pan, and start cooking the salmon with the skin side up.
Let the salmon cook for a couple of minutes, then flip over the salmon.
Turn the salmon over so the skin side is now on the pan.
Then put the Soy Vey garlic marinade on top of the salmon.
Finally, cover the salmon and cook on low for about 15 minutes.
Broccoli and Potato:
Saute onion and garlic in a non-stick pan.
When the onion and garlic look brown, add one diced potato.
Add a teaspoon of cumin, and one teaspoon of coriander, and a half teaspoon of turmeric.
Steam two heads of broccoli in the microwave for 6 minutes.
Place the steamed broccoli in the pan.
Let the broccoli cook for about 20 minutes until tender.
Chicken Soup:
Saute onion and garlic in a non-stick pan.
Add a teaspoon of cumin, and one teaspoon of coriander, and a half teaspoon of turmeric.
Add one-half pound of diced chicken breast in the pan and stir.
Now add one-half parsnip, two celery stalks, two carrots, and dill.
Finally, add 4 cups of water and let boil on a low flame for two hours.
Chicken and Mushroom Stir-fry:
Saute onion and garlic in a non-stick pan.
Add a teaspoon of cumin, and one teaspoon of coriander, and a half teaspoon of turmeric.
Add one-half pound of diced chicken breast in the pan and stir.
Cook the chicken thoroughly, about 15 minutes.
Add two cups of mushrooms.
Cook for another 3 – 5 minutes.
Finally, add cilantro on top.
Urad Dal Black Lentil Soup:
This is a super simple recipe.
If you never had urad dal, you have to try it.
Super easy to make, even for a bachelor who hates to cook.
In fact, this soup is very tasty and super nutritious.
Here are the easy directions:
Soak the Urad Dal black lentils in a pot of water overnight.
The next day, rinse the lentils.
Add a tablespoon of salt.
Bok Choy Vegetable Side:
This is how to prepare bok choy.
First, you have to cut the bok choy into small pieces.
Always rinse and cut the bok choy before cutting.
Saute 3 cloves of garlic in olive oil.
When the garlic becomes brown, put the bok choy in the pan.
Add crushed red chili flakes if you like, that is how we like it.
Cover and cook for 10 minutes.
Asparagus side:
Heat either coconut or olive oil.
Add crushed garlic.
Add washed asparagus.
Cover and cook for 5 to 10 minutes.
Add black pepper.
Ready to serve.
Classic Cholent Bean Stew recipe:
Soak the cholent bean mix which contains the right ratios of beans and barley overnight.
Saute one onion and 5 garlic cloves in olive oil.
Add paprika, a teaspoon of coriander, a pinch of black pepper, and salt.
Add 1/2 a teaspoon of garlic powder.
Add 1/2 a teaspoon of turmeric.
Let this mixture cook for two minutes or until brown.
Then, add the soaked cholent beans and two raw diced potatoes, and mix well.
At the bottom of a slow cooker, place a pound of chicken or meat.
Pour the cholent/onion mixture that you prepared above on top of the chicken or meat.
Pour enough water to cover the cholent.
Leave the slow cooker on high, and cook overnight.
Slow Carb Diet Review Conclusion
I will keep adding to this slow carb diet review post, one day at a time!
Most importantly, let’s hope we have found a solid path how to lose 20 pounds in 30 days!
Do you have your own slow carb diet review?
Were you successful with a slow carb diet for rapid fat loss and body transformation?
Finally, please share your experience with the slow carb diet.
Hashi Mashi!