Do You Lose Weight When You Sleep?
It is time to learn how to lose weight while sleeping – the absolutely easiest way to burn more calories.
You will discover today that the simplest and most effective tool for weight loss is sleep.
- Sleep more, weigh less.
- Sleep more and your body burns fat, while lack of sleep leads to weight gain.
The takeaway is that more and better sleep is your simplest tool to get fit.
Are Sleep and Weight Loss are Directly Connected?
Here is some of the science behind the welcome phenomenon of sleeping to lose weight:
Research shows that more sleep means more fat loss.
This study was made up of a 14-day diet for two weeks.
- The average number of calories was 1,450 calories for the two groups.
- Those who slept 8.5 hours a night lost more fat than those sleeping only 5.5 hours.
- Believe it or not, 5.5 hours is the average in today’s world!
- Even better, the 8.5-hour sleepers burned more fat than their counterparts.
- Imagine that, more sleep preserves muscle mass and increases fat burning.
Is that Nirvana or what?
Sleep Is Your Superpower TEDTalk
Neuroscientist Matthew Walker Ph.D. explains how a good night sleep can make you smarter, leaner, more attractive, happier, healthier, and even ward off cancer in his fascinating bestseller “Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams”.
See the full study from the Annals of Internal Medicine here.
Lose Weight While Sleeping – More Sleep Means Fewer Junk Food Cravings
By Dawna Stone
If you’re trying to conquer your junk food cravings, a little extra time in the sack could make a tremendous difference.
A University of Chicago study showed that not getting enough sleep could increase cravings for junk food, specifically foods like cookies and bread, by 45 percent.
Don’t take the importance of sleep for granted.
You may think that sleeping fewer hours will give you more time to get things done, but in reality, you’re only hurting yourself and making your habits worse.
Check out these four reasons more sleep means fewer cravings.
#1. Sleep Helps Control Your Appetite
Sleep and weight loss are directly connected because sleep helps to regulate your hormones.
Just a few nights without sleep can increase the level of ghrelin—the hormone responsible for triggering your appetite.
In fact, the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort Study showed that participants who slept 5 hours had 14.9 percent higher ghrelin than those individuals who slept 8 hours.
A lack of sleep not only explains the differences in those hormone levels but also sheds light on the increase in Body Mass Index (BMI) and obesity for individuals that don’t get adequate sleep.
#2. Sleep Helps Signal Satiety
Hunger hormones affect your appetite–they help regulate when you feel full or satisfied.
For example, just a few nights without sleep can drop the level of leptin—the hormone responsible for signaling satiety.
Study participants who slept 5 hours had 15.5 percent lower leptin than those individuals who slept for 8 hours.
Insufficient sleep can make it more difficult for you to sense when you’re full—causing you to consume more calories than you need.
How to Lose Weight Overnight While Sleeping | Best Way to Burn Fat While Asleep Fast
#3. Sleep Aids Your Judgment
It’s probably no surprise (and has been well documented) that poor sleep can decrease your memory, cause you to feel foggy, increase your potential for accidents, increase the risk for disease and even diminish your sex drive.
It can also impair your judgment when it comes to making healthy choices.
When you’re tired, you are more likely to grab whatever is convenient (think office vending machine, break room donuts, or that caramel latte) rather than something that is good for you.
#4. Good Sleep Cuts Out Snacking
A recent study published in the journal Sleep showed that a lack of sleep caused people to overeat on sweets and salty high-fat junk food.
The study, which took place at the University of Chicago’s Clinical Research Center had participants take part in two four-day sessions.
- The first had participants spend 8.5 hours in bed (with an average sleep time of 7.5 hours) each night.
- The second round had the same subjects spend just 4.5 hours in bed (an average sleep time of 4.2 hours) each night.
Although the participants received the same meals at the same time during both stays, they consumed more than 300 additional calories when sleep-deprived!
The extra calories mainly came from snacking on high-fat junk foods.
Does Sleeping Help You Lose Weight?
Try these simple tips to help you get a better night’s sleep and see the results for yourself:
- Go to bed 10 to 15 minutes earlier each night until you’re getting the recommended 7 to 8 hours of restful sleep.
- Not only will you have more energy throughout the day with fewer cravings, but you’ll also be more productive.
- Stop eating two hours before you hit the hay.
- Going to bed on a full stomach is not only uncomfortable, but it can interfere with a good night’s sleep.
- For many people, late-night snacking can get out of control, and the calories can add up.
- Have a bedtime ritual.
- Take a hot bath,
- drink a cup of herbal tea, or practice 10 minutes of meditation.
- Do what works best for you.
- A normal regular bedtime ritual can help you nod off quicker and sleep more soundly.
- Put that cell phone away when you’re about to sleep.
- The blue light exposure from electronic devices such as smartphones and computer screens can disrupt your sleep by decreasing your melatonin production.
- Today’s constant use of electronics interferes with your natural sleep hormone melatonin.
- The National Sleep Foundation says that nighttime, and the reduction of light that used to come along with it, used to cue our brains to “wind down” for sleep.
- Another simple weight loss tip is to keep your room at cooler temperatures, such as 66 degrees.
That’s right, a cooler room means a slimmer you.
A Journal Diabetes study reveals that the body produces double the volume of brown fat cells in a 66-degree room.
The extra brown fat mass increases your metabolic rate and burns more calories.
Brown fat is a unique tissue that produces heat to maintain your core body temperature.
Sleep Hypnosis Weight Loss – Guided Relaxation
How to Lose Weight Overnight While Sleeping – Final Thoughts
Before you start ramping up your physical activity and eating fewer calories, you need to look at how many hours of sleep you’re getting.
The reason is that sleep deprivation and weight loss are connected.
But, not how you think.
Staying awake all night leads to weight gain and not weight loss.
Start focusing on getting good quality deep sleep and weight loss is sure to follow.
Sleep is your number one tool as a Fit Apprentice.
Before even thinking about deadlifts, squats, calisthenics, dumbbells, the ‘right’ protein shake, or even diet, make sure that you are getting the best sleep possible.
Less sleep is less quality of life and more sleep is going to help transform you into a leaner and stronger version of yourself.
What’s Next
Besides how well you sleep, another simple tool for fat loss is the deadlift exercise.
See why in this article – The Best Exercise for Overweight Beginners Will Shock You!
And the 7 Deadlift Fat Loss Results You Need to Know Today.
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