How to Stop Binge Eating Disorder
You need to know how to stop binge eating today.
These practical tips to change your relationship with food must be in your arsenal, as well as anyone else who has a binge eating disorder.
Anyone in the throes of a binge knows how the binge overtakes all rational thinking.
Instead of being able to focus on life and living, you can only concentrate on Oreos, cake, pretzels, chips.
Do you think that your friend, husband, or wife wants to watch you when you are in a binge eating state of mind?
So, knowing how to stop binge eating is key to being able to start living your life the way that you want without being compelled and controlled by obsessive thoughts of ‘food.’
I once asked the question on a date, “Have you ever been fat?” when she kindly offered me to share a tiny red velvet cupcake.
That question nearly derailed the date completely because she thought I was a bit weird even to ask it.
She was right.
I admit, that probably was weird, but so is growing up on processed food, binge eating, and compulsive eating.
And our bodies begin to reflect the weirdness by being out of shape and no way near the lean sexy machine that your physique could look like.
Don’t you want to know how you can stop binge eating so you can transform your body from out of shape or obese to fit?
Don’t you want to know how to stop the self-flagellation, the guilt, and stop beating yourself up the next morning when you wake up?
Are you sick and tired of being fat?
Are you fed up with looking like a penguin?
You must learn how to stop binge eating if you are ever going to recover.
Start Living Life Productively Again
Binge eating disorder affects 3.5% of females and 2% of males in the U.S. So, you are not alone.
- Make an ironclad commitment to yourself that you will beat binge eating disorder
- Do it so you can live the best life possible for yourself and together with those you love
What is your reason to stop binge eating?
A strong enough reason will be powerful enough to help you move forward beyond old habits that are not working for you.
Are you really a binge eater quiz
A woman in Michigan lost over a hundred pounds through diet and exercise.
She has also battled with the issue of how to stop binge eating disorder.
Her strategy is to run to enjoy her treats like wine or a cookie at night.
Here is a quiz from her blog
Do you fit more in the left or the right column?
Stop Binge Eating Disorder For Good
To know how to stop binge eating disorder, you have to go back to basics.
The purpose of food is to fuel your body, make you stronger, happier, and better in all ways.
- Do you think that food is the enemy?
- Do you feel guilty after eating food?
- Fear of Food, Fear of overeating, the panic of a binge, and it’s consequences.
- Start thinking of food as your ally to have a great day
- As your friend, to help promote health,
- Food is not the enemy
- Food is your friend
Processed food
You are influenced by mass marketing to crave processed food.
But, after you eat processed food, you feel guilty because you inevitably get fat.
The more processed ‘food’ you eat, the more fatigued you feel.
But, you still cannot sleep well despite feeling exhausted.
And then you finally make the New Years’ resolution to lose weight.
Why is it so hard for you to lose weight?
Because you are addicted to processed food.
Weight loss and gaining weight again is a vicious circle.
Watch TV, movies, read magazines, and your eyes and mind are seduced by the colorful wrapping of processed foods, the sugar high that you know you will get, and the subsequent nutrition low.
As a result, you crave to eat more because your body wants real nutrition and will keep bugging you to eat something healthy.
But of course, since you cannot get the nutrition out of processed food, you eat more than is necessary to find that nutrition and end up with a full belly and an empty fuel tank.
Here are specific strategies on how to stop binge eating disorder forever:
Recover from your last binge
Binge eating wrecks lives and relationships, with yourself and others.
Before you learn to stop binge eating, you will have to first recover from your last binge, which might have been today, yesterday, or last night.
You will also have to prevent future binges.
If you incorporate the following strategies into your life, you will be on the road to recovery and prevention.
Then you can start to focus on self-development and not only food.
Stop the sugar
A food binge is almost always a sugar binge.
It can be an extremely uncomfortable and even dangerous affair.
Have you ever gone on a chicken, egg, tofu, tempeh, or lean meat binge?
Anyone who has struggled with emotional eating, eating disorders, food binges, has never sat down to 5 bowls of protein.
It is always sugar.
So, the real question is, how to stop binge eating on sugar.
You know the culprits, sugar and flour, sugar, flour, and sugar.
What does a person on a binge sit down to?
Either in the form of carbs like pretzels, chips, donuts, bread, or just straight-up sugar like a pint of Ben & Jerry’s.
That is the picture of a person in distress, sitting with a pint of ice cream.
Have you seen a person in heartbreak binging on chicken?
It is always on sugar.
For example, a pint of vanilla heath bar crunch pint gives you a ton of temporary pleasure, but also:
- 108 grams of sugar,
- 40 grams of saturated fat,
- 120 grams of carbohydrate,
- 0 grams of dietary fiber
- 260 grams of cholesterol
- 16 grams of protein
The carbs and the sugar are what you are craving in a food or sugar binge.
You can see how damaging such a food binge is.
Ben & Jerry’s is NOT food.
It is sugar, 108 grams of sugar.
Just imagine how such a binge raises your blood sugar.
Here is how to protect yourself from experiencing a binge like that again (even if you don’t get your ex back).
How to Stop Binge Eating
To recover from a binge:
Step 1. Take a shower first thing in the morning
You are bloated, ashamed, embarrassed, and disgusted with yourself.
But that is not going to accomplish anything other than self-loathing.
You have to do the opposite of self-loathing.
You have to take care of yourself and stop hiding.
Most likely you had the pint of ice cream and whatever other amounts of food and sugars you binge on in hiding.
People rarely do that in public.
Now, you have to do the self-respect in hiding and the first step is going to be counter-intuitive.
- Take a shower,
- start fresh,
- get clean, if you woke up this morning despite the pint and whatever else you bombed yourself with, thank your lucky stars or your higher power that you are still breathing and move on, start fresh.
Step 2. Brush your teeth
Get the taste of that indulgence out of your mouth and start this day anew.
Step 3. Clean your apartment or home
This is symbolic of starting fresh, getting organized.
A sugar or food binge is total chaos and disorganization to your mind and body.
You can reflect that there are other ways to deal with stress, like organizing your living space, so you do not have to abuse your body.
Step 4. Affirm to yourself that you love and approve of yourself
Affirm to yourself that you have the power to change, that you have the ability to move forward, that you are grateful for where you are right now, and that you can move forward and not stay stagnant in the past.
Step 5. Make this day your best
Because if you wallow in your own self-loathing today, you are just setting yourself up for another binge.
Step 6. Refuse processed sugars no matter what the occasion
Some have diabetes, some have depression, and some have pains and aches in their bodies that you do not experience.
On the other hand, you have physiology that when triggered, leads to these self-destructive food and sugar binges.
Anyone who has been in the midst of a food binge knows that it is the last thing that you want to be doing at that moment, but the craving is so intense that you rarely can be rational when fighting the cells of your body are screaming for more sugar.
The best weapon to stop binge eating is to refuse processed sugars no matter what.
Step 7. How do you do socialize without having processed food?
You go to a restaurant and a basket of hot bread comes out.
You want it, but you know that the results of having the bread can be catastrophic, because, by the time you get home, you are already craving more sugar, and no matter how many M&M’s you have, it is not enough, until you have run the full course of shooting up enough sugar to quell the hunger.
So, you need to be responsible for yourself and kindly say no thank you to any amounts of food or drink that are going to trigger you.
This is your body and if you love yourself and your family enough, you can handle it.
Granted, yesterday you might have failed, but today you have to strengthen your resolve to stick to healthy eating behaviors for your sake and for those who care about you.
No one who loves you wants to see you suffer, and they might not understand how a slice of bread triggers you, but you do, so make peace with yourself that this is your own personal challenge and that you do have the support of yourself and others to handle it.
Step 8. Dress your best
Even if you want to wear the same sweats that you did yesterday or you do not want to be seen in public because you think that everyone will see your bloat and snicker at your lack of self-control.
You need to know that it is not true.
Everyone else out there has there own problems.
They just do not have this one and you can be sure that their mind is on their problem or their goals, not yours.
So, put yourself together, clean yourself, clean your home, put on some good music, rally for yourself and take the actions that will signal to you that you are making a fresh start now.
Get rid of the evidence of last night’s sugar fest and as soon as you have an appetite, reward yourself with any food that is not sugar-based, and of course, you know that will be vegetables and protein primarily.
Step 9. Drink water
Water will help to flush out the toxins and sodium and keep your mood up.
The last thing that you want to do is to keep your mood down.
You have to pick yourself up, dust off from the battle and live to handle another day without turning to sugar for solace.
Clean out your body as much as possible.
When you finally can fall asleep from your full belly binge stupor, wake up the next day and drink water.
Water with lemon is a great morning choice.
There is a reason that just about everyone on the planet suggests drinking eight glasses of water a day.
Drinking two liters of water a day is not a good habit, it is a great practice, so do it.
Step 10. Start doing pushups
Do you feel some anxiety?
Then do 10, 5, or even one pushup.
After a binge, you will probably not be able to do any pushups, but as soon as you encounter the first thought or emotional trigger that tells your cross-wired brain that the answer is a donut, no, the answer is a pushup, or the solution is to get out for a walk.
- Make strength training and physical exercise the answer to your emotional turmoil rather than a bag of chips.
- Make getting into shape, the answer to the sudden desire for a Twix bar.
Yes, we have all seen the commercials about how all of these foods can give you smiles and love, but you know that the empty pint of Ben and Jerry’s is not in love with you.
They are in love with your money, and that is it.
Isn’t it time to invest your money in yourself?
11. New ways to boost your mood and self-approval
The ice cream did not love you, all of the wrappers which are colorful did not like you.
Food does not love you.
The sugar, yes, you know how great it feels.
But you know it is temporary.
Perhaps your physiology has defective genes when it comes to dopamine production, and in order to get that sense of calm and tranquility, you know that a quick shot of a Hershey’s bar will do it.
But, the problem is what it does to your body and body image.
You need to discover new methods of bringing up your mood.
The first is to avoid triggers like the plague and to embrace those foods (whether they taste good or bad), that will make you lean and healthy.
The first time you eat watercress or bok choy, it might feel bad, but keep at it and you will not only get used to it but actually crave it.
You intuitively that vegetables, legumes, natural starches like quinoa, sweet potato, and protein along with healthy fats, plus water, will make you lean and muscular.
12. Strength training
You need a new way, a natural way to boost your endorphins, and that clearly is through strength training for your mind – and body too!
So let today be the day that you start working out and gaining strength in mind and body in earnest.
Get up off your duff and get to the gym.
- Take a brisk walk for 30 minutes to an hour
- Start a pushup program
- Begin a deadlift workout routine
- Start doing squats
- Stretch
- Swim
- Bike
- Just get moving, even if it is only on a treadmill or elliptical
Moving on is not just an emotional decision, it is also a physical action.
Pushing your body to move, and refusing sugar and flour foods (but sprouted grain bread is okay) will stop the binge eating.
13. Be Humble
What does humility have to do with recovery from food addiction and creating a new life for yourself?
Some people say that humility means to be meek and self-effacing.
That is not the definition of humility.
The origin of the word humble is from Latin the Latin humilis which means low, humble, from humus which means earth.
You see that humble means viewing yourself similar to the ground.
First, the ground is a level playing field, as a result:
- You are equal to anyone else
- No one is better than anyone else
- That is one trait of humility
- You are even-steven, you are not better than others
- Therefore, if someone hurts your honor, you do not have to fall, you are already on the ground, so to speak
- You do not have to binge to recover your honor or to deal with the humiliation of having been put in your place
- You already know your place.
- You can do the same.
- You have the potential to produce and create great food, ideas, and products that can grow from your mind
- Humility is knowing that you have this potential for creation.
- It is a gift and you should use it
- Humility is knowing that your talents are gifts just like the power of the earth to transform seeds into food is a gift
Get Back To Basics
- drama,
- jealousy,
- hurt,
- anger,
- self-aggrandizement, and
- self-loathing
14. Eat real food to prevent binging
Once you start your day with real food, your body will be satisfied, will have fuel to operate and will not bug you all day to eat more and more.
And eat real food throughout the day, when you are hungry.
This will prevent you from ever needing to binge.
15. Be a warrior for your own physical and mental health
Decide to be your own hero.
It is difficult to break free of the addiction to junk food.
But, do not blame yourself.
It is not your fault that you are addicted to ultra-processed food.
You were marketed soda, pizza, cookies, macaroni and cheese, and a myriad of manufactured foods to death.
Stop blaming yourself, start taking action now, and decide to be a warrior, for your own health.
Be a warrior to get into the absolute best shape possible.
16. Every journey begins with one step.
Commit to having the best and healthiest day possible, day by day.
17. Gratitude
Be grateful that you have a chance to change your ways, a chance to transform your health, an opportunity to stop binge eating for good, and to start focusing on other areas of life other than food.
Once you stop craving food, once you learn how to stop binge eating for good, all of a sudden you will have more time, energy, and interest to focus on something else in your life!
How great would that be?
How about focusing on your family, your friends, hobbies, fashion, whatever it might be, finally it will not be about food!
In summary, the path for how to stop binge eating for good starts with cultivating the good eating habits that we have outlined above which you can take immediate action today:
Eat Real Food!
Be a Warrior For your own health, take responsibility.
Take it day by day, gradual process, go easy on yourself and you will learn how to stop binge eating for good.
On your first day, start with pure water, follow that up with 3 healthy meals and a snack or two.
18. Forgive yourself today for abusing your body
Your body does everything possible to keep you alive, and you are killing it off with binges.
But, if you stop, your body will dramatically transform faster than you ever thought possible.
Start listening to your body and fuel yourself with real food that will transform you from fat to fit faster than you think is possible.
Just get your cravings out of the way, feed your body real food, start training, and watch the magic.
19. Sample meal plan
- vegetable omelet with eggs and your favorite sauteed vegetables, spinach, mushroom, garlic
- Old fashioned oatmeal made with 1% milk or hemp or almond milk, add fresh berries, a dollop of honey and some walnuts/raisins.
- Ezekiel sprouted grain muffin toasted with almond butter, sliced cucumber, and apple, with some walnuts
- a big salad with turkey and avocado or a half cup of brown rice with beans and a vegetable.
- Quinoa, spinach and watercress, and sauteed tofu
- Sweet potato, and sauteed chicken breast and shitake mushroom
- some almonds and/or an apple for a snack
- celery and peanut butter
- grapes and walnuts
- cherries and dry roasted almonds
- baked sweet potato, asparagus, and salmon
- cucumber, and tomato salad, rice, and sauteed lamb
- homemade french fries, cauliflower, and turkey
20. Walk, swim, treadmill for 5 minutes or even better for 10, 20 or 30 minutes
- If you can do a mile, then great, walk a mile, even two to start your day in the morning after mentally preparing yourself to have your best day possible
- Even better, if you can walk for an hour, do it.
- Get out of your house, or apartment
- Get moving outside
- Now! Go take a long walk for an hour outside or on a treadmill
- Put on your sneakers and start walking
- If you cannot walk, then do whatever you can to move like swimming or stationary biking.
21. Do one set of deadlifts with six to twelve repetitions.
- Make sure to warm up first and use proper form
- Walk 40 yards and back or in place with kettlebells
- Use a resistance band or barbell for 3 sets of good mornings
- More details are in this beginner deadlift workout routine
- Do not go heavy on the weights unless you are warmed up properly
- If you cannot do deadlifts with a barbell, then do deadlifts with a kettlebell or static holds
- Start with the plank and go forward from there
- Read more about the benefits of static holds here
- Read further about deadlifts and the amazing benefits of deadlifts
- And how the deadlift will dramatically change your body
- Two other exercises that have a profound effect on your strength and physique are pushups and squats
- Learn more about the power and benefits of pushups and the benefits of squats
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This guide is a template of the Hashi Mashi plan, the system I followed to lose 75 pounds in 6 months.
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